
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Silver Blooded: Loud Up'

Elite Zov
1:53 pm | June 16, 2004
Nick Kang
7:33 pm | June 15, 2004
I belong to another fan fiction site, and it says:

Not everyone will like your work. Welcome criticism and suggestions and thank the commentors for spending their precious time to help you improve.

So stick that in your smipe and poke it.

MC's Cousin
6:36 pm | June 15, 2004

Signing Off

11:56 am | June 15, 2004
bad grammar, mispelled title, no code, simple, short and no descriptive sentences. Crap


1:19 am | June 15, 2004
And don't think of improving your spelling and grammar as helping us, you aren't. We know how to spell and use grammar properly; it's only going to help you.
1:17 am | June 15, 2004
I don't hate you Zov. I have nothing against you personally. What I do have against you, is that every time I've suggested you do something, you always come back with a response like "Well I only spend 15-20 minutes on my story, and I don't care about grammar and spelling.)

Well guess what, some of us do. And for those of us who do, it's upsetting when someone just refuses to try and get better.
MC's Cousin
12:34 am | June 15, 2004
Part of rising to be a good author, is letting yourself be critisized. Find someone (a friend or one of us if you feel so inclined) to look over your stories with you. If they know what their talking about, story-build-wise, then it can really help you out.
But if you are truly unwilling to do these things and help yourself, and let others try to correct your mistakes, then you are not anywhere near FF story writing material. Hate to tell you (actually...), but you just need to be patient and start to listen instead of becoming frustrated. Take a break if you need to.

Signing Off

Elite Zov
8:29 pm | June 14, 2004
.........*sign* you all just hate me, you all fucking hate me. Never mind......
Elite Zov
8:20 pm | June 14, 2004
You know what Main, you really on nerves. God, who CARES about the DAMN grammar.....nevermind, it's like telling a mouse to drivce a car; which is impossible. Why do people these days stoped really taking their time on the story instead on the grammar and spelling. I DO AND TRIED EVERYTHING YOU SAID. 1ST, I CHECKED THE DAMN STORIES ON PS, I READ THEM, but the problem is there is no quite a PEOPLE that really wanna read and fix no to tell you "YOU HAVE BAD GRAMMAR, FIX IT"..If i cheked it, that means I don't eally see my own MISTAKES FOR CRING OUT LOUD!
343 Salty Beans
7:37 pm | June 14, 2004

I have no problem with apathy. Apathy is one of the keys to happiness. It keeps you from being hurt by those she-devils (WHY do they reject me?). I think it's due more to laziness and/or not looking in his comments section.

6:43 pm | June 14, 2004
Zov has been told many times about the code and his spelling and grammar. He refuses to do anything that will help better his stories, solely due to apathy.

Be that the case, and I have no patience for this story.
MC's Cousin
4:48 pm | June 14, 2004
Hey, as an author you shouldn't dis te commenters. Especially people like Main.

"What do you know?"

"Apparently, more than you."

Now on to business. You need to impliment the code. Useing the code is crutial to a good story. Which brings me to...you need to work on writing your story properly. I would suggest writing out a copy [with the code incorperated] in MS Word or Corel. Then copy (not cut, keep a copy on your computer) and paste into the FF submission form/page.
The story was off. It didn't flow properly. It was like you were trying to make us (readers) drive (read) down a road with right angles in it (you try doing that). Read it over a couple times before submitting, so you know ho it reads, then make corrections to make it better.
Because of the combination of your mistakes, the overall story was a bit confusing.

Signing Off

3:29 pm | June 14, 2004
How to spell load properly for one thing.
Elite Zov
1:57 pm | June 14, 2004
Waht do you know?
8:36 pm | June 13, 2004

It's not THAT hard to at least spell your story's title right. Especially a word like load.
