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Comments for 'Starjacked Part 2' |
3:42 am | January 16, 2003
You forgot to explain the gravity went out when it exploded. Remember, there was an explosion in the gravity control thingy, and the gravity went out, You just started the fight with them bouncing off walls. I was a bit confused when I first read it.
3:20 am | January 13, 2003
Oh, and anyone who sees this should go to read the third part. I have had no comments in two days (as I thought I would with the landslide of fanfics that came in all at once), it was probably buried int he busy day, so go read it!
3:13 am | January 13, 2003
That's good, right?
2:30 am | January 13, 2003
Sorry about the double post all round story.
2:30 am | January 13, 2003
an all round story
2:30 am | January 13, 2003
an all round story
4:29 am | January 11, 2003
Whst? Is there some rule I have to use them in the story?
9:42 pm | January 10, 2003
Neo COvenant (the terrorists) means new alliance, and the real covies will never be mentioned (besides little referances) thgoughout this story...
Jeff Graham
3:27 am | January 10, 2003
Cool. SPARTANS, the destroyers of the human race. I wrote something like that, they will bring the fall of all races. I like the story, I plan on adding terrorist type guys. I like, please continue on. Where is the covenant?
3:06 am | January 10, 2003
Hello, dude i liked you story its one of the few things if been reading online, im trying to get over my writer's block and produce my next series (my third) which i might have done by the end of the weekend. Nice work and i like ur ideas
8:05 pm | January 9, 2003
I don't remember you. I have never seen your name before actually. Do you like to read fanfics? If so, read mine...
3:24 pm | January 9, 2003
hi guys, remember me? well i originally planned for a new story this week i began a little work on monday but then i went snowboarding, and dislocated my shoulder im too pumped up with vikadin to write anything now A.C. seperation or something
1:32 am | January 9, 2003
About those things i posted on part I on your story, I had read the whole series (Part I and Part II) when i posted those. just so ya know ^_^
12:22 pm | January 8, 2003
Oh, and Part three (which ends this story) is done, and I will mail it to Louis soon. Part four, which is really an independet story of it's own in a sense (the political thing I was talking about) isn't due out for a while.
12:20 pm | January 8, 2003
Ya, so do I, I mean it's like cheers, because I am never wrong, I made it up! See, taht is why I hate things that use Master Cheif as the main character for the most part, because MC already haas his own quest, so I had to make my own...
Dirty Commie
10:48 pm | January 7, 2003
Both of those sound like great ideas!
I like how you have created your own little world with Lunar 4.
5:15 am | January 7, 2003
Oh, and another idea that has been long awaiting to at least be incorporated into one of my stories. Almost becoming the ending for the Lunar 4 campaigns it is a POW story. About patriotism in the face of death, and other decisions regarding suffering, death and making a stand. In a prison camp where the prisoners are beaten every day, and tortured. Each one has their own way of resisting, and each one can only hope for a small victory at most. Struggling towards their ultimate goal, escape. Plotting, conspiring and gathering what crude materials thay can, soldiers push the boundries of even Guerilla warfare in a desparate attemt to get away.
More combat related than the other, this story I had kept in reserve to end a story if it was needed. But it has come the time to grab hold of whatever plot I can and start typing...
5:03 am | January 7, 2003
More conspiracy, which is essentially ALL backstabbing. It would be a much shorter one though, and I was considering just tacking it onto the end of this story and make it the coverup of his knowledge of the SPARTAN 3's. Yeah, I'll post it with the end of Starjacked...
1:29 am | January 7, 2003
hmm, I probably won't read it. wait, does it involve revenge and backstabbing? if it does, then im there :D.
1:50 am | January 6, 2003
well, this is as good a place as any to ask whether or not a newfanfic idea is in order.
After this story is completed, which will probably be within a week, my next fanfic should be decided.
I was considering a political conspiracy based story with a political leader who is willing to say anything, or to kill anyone to get into office, and the last thing he needs is the spartan 3 conspiracy of Lunar 4 exploding in his face. Using the Main character, he launches an almost evil coverup, and the Main character disagrees with it, but is obligated to duty for the UNSC, set by his nationalism. As he ruthlessly leads a life of betrayl, murder and coverup, moral questions arise, leading him to become the last, and worst enemy of the (something...) political guy. Hows it sound?
1:50 am | January 6, 2003
well, this is as good a place as any to ask whether or not a newfanfic idea is in order.
After this story is completed, which will probably be within a week, my next fanfic should be decided.
I was considering a political conspiracy based story with a political leader who is willing to say anything, or to kill anyone to get into office, and the last thing he needs is the spartan 3 conspiracy of Lunar 4 exploding in his face. Using the Main character, he launches an almost evil coverup, and the Main character disagrees with it, but is obligated to duty for the UNSC, set by his nationalism. As he ruthlessly leads a life of betrayl, murder and coverup, moral questions arise, leading him to become the last, and worst enemy of the (something...) political guy. Hows it sound?
8:44 pm | January 5, 2003
Cool storie. I like the part when Jack's interogator had a little "food fight".