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Comments for 'Do Spartans Dream of Ossified Sheep?' |
10:08 am | September 16, 2003
Yay! I'm Back from the weekend(And Monday) =) Loved 'da story, though I sort of agree with Sergeant B...
P.S: WHO is spamming? My newest fics, when dey come out, will be littered with anti-spam messeges.
12:57 am | September 16, 2003
That was good, man.
Vi3tl3l3oi 023(Return of CPT CRAPPER)
12:39 am | September 15, 2003
nice... i liked ur story?
Vi3tl3l3oi 023(Return of Cpt Crapper)
12:39 am | September 15, 2003
nice story...
6:43 pm | September 14, 2003
Wow, this place is getting almost as bad as it was in November... BTW I loved your story.
5:06 pm | September 14, 2003
Of course wado comes in with a logical reason for behaviour making everyone else feel stupider then they really are, sniffle, that hurts!
Alpha Lance
3:48 pm | September 14, 2003
Real good story, 9.5/10.
P.S. Who ever that is spaming better stop that crap!
Sergeant B
12:41 pm | September 14, 2003
Thanks Wado. You clearly explained what I'm feeling so no one like SCRIBE would call ME an IDIOT AGAIN.
Sergeant B
12:39 pm | September 14, 2003
Hey SCRIBE. I'm not an idiot. So shut the hell up! I forgot who said it, but he said that spartans are no good in fanfics. And he was a great writer. I then decided that spartans are no good in fanfics because it made sense. I've been sticking with that ever since.
4:50 am | September 14, 2003
Sorry the grammar sucked so much in my last comment. I was definitely trying to do too many things at once.
3:38 am | September 14, 2003
Nice job Crushed Acorn on the story. I really couldn't get into it because I am multi-tasking a bit too much right now. Anyway, the writing was cool and the way that tied into movies was very creative I thought. Keep it up.
Why do I seem to understand what Sergeant B's point of view about Spartans is? Me explainith...
Once upon a time there as a game called Halo and with it came a book called the Fall of Reach. In this book was John 117, who was a Spartan II. John had a certain way of acting and presenting himself. For one he followed his duty, for another he didn't have much of a sexual drive or any other things such as that that might distract him from training and completing his missions. Not all Spartans were like John, some like Kelly had more feelings, but that just meant that every Spartan was not alike.
Then came the Fans of Bungie and Halo and John, who was known as the MC, short for the Master Chief. Some fans wrote stories and included the Master Chief. These stories were Fan Fiction.
Then along came other fans that read these stories with the Master Chief. These fans, some of which, had read the Fall of Reach and had fixed in their mind a vision of John. An "official" vision of how Bungie believes John should be.
Some of these fans that read the stories felt that these stories with John (the MC) were just wrong for they had inaccuracies in the MC's behavior. So they smited down the comments on these stories with such things as "The MC would never do this or that..."
The the sword of justice behind them crusade, yet even today. Crusader Sergeant B? For they LOVE Spartans so much that anything that paints a picture of them that doesn't fit what the MC should officially be like is disrespectful to Bungie and to true MC fans.
Now there are notable exceptions to this rule: Parodies or comedies are exempt as they are meant to be funny, not "historically" correct. As well as stories that somehow can justify differences in the MC from how he acted in FoR, and stories that do a decent job presenting the MC as he should be.
Now the awful tru7h to this all is that one reason that fans like Sergeant B feel so strongly about portraying the MC "historically" correctly or don't use him at all is that he himself was ridiculed by some other "crusader" at one point for using the MC in a story. It is a chain that goes on and on.
All Sergeant B is saying is that "if you use a Spartan(s) in your story, be prepared for some commentors to not like the story simply for the reason that you might not have portrayed the Spartans correctly according to how they acted in FoR." His is more of a warning to be prepared then an insult to the writer.
Great writing is still great, no matter what the subject matter is; however, some subject matters are more difficult to write about and get positive reviews because when you start off, you already have two strikes against you.
Staying open-minded is a blessing and I'm glad that authors here are.
Thank you for reading this rant and to Crushed Acorn, keep up the writing.
The Scribe
3:05 am | September 14, 2003
Good story...and to Sergeant B. I don't understand you, man. For some reason, you're an anti-spartan person. Trust me, Marines are still in the picture...They're in practically every stroy, idiot. You need to get a life and quit trying to block out what makes Halo what it is.
Sergeant B
12:59 am | September 14, 2003
I'm not a anti-spartan. I just don't like Spartans in fanfics, that's all. I love spartans. It's not OFFICIAL.
10:24 pm | September 13, 2003
I see nothing wrong with using the MC in your stories, as long as he's not used in excess. And whoever was doing all that useless spam, Louis Wu will hunt you down and ban you from this website. Have a nice day!
6:02 pm | September 13, 2003
Since Halo is BASED around the MC I don't see any reason not to use him.
Vi3tl3l3oi 023(Return of CPT CRAPPER)
2:58 pm | September 13, 2003
Sergeant B's usual rant ::no spartans:: he's a anti spartan. muhahahahaha
12:34 pm | September 13, 2003
Hehe...that was pretty funny....:)
Sergeant B
12:21 pm | September 13, 2003
Great. But, so many people use the Master Chief(a rookie mistake). Do people like marines anymore? You used him not that good, but good. You used him very good. And what's the prize?