
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Halo:The Rise of the Star God Parts 1-9'

Cristian Arnautu
11:02 am | March 30, 2003
Scrach that, I'm working on a new story which I know is going to be alot more original and better.
5:20 am | March 30, 2003
Meh everyone makes mistakes.
Cristian Arnautu
12:36 pm | March 28, 2003
I do realize my story just plain sucked.You guys don' t have to be easy on me. The next parts I'm working on will be much better than the first. I PROMISE!!!!!
11:44 pm | March 27, 2003
Not to mean offense to anybody, but people need to think about what they're writing before they write it. Somebody was telling me all they had been seeing latly on HBO was crap, and he hasn't read a single good one in a while. Better luck next time Author.
2:44 am | March 27, 2003
Not very original. That has been done alot. You didn't do a bad job, it's just that has been done alot. I also think your main character was just a little too tough. I mean he's not a Spartan. He'd have trouble with two Grunts (shooting at him, not looking the other way) much less a whole dropship full.

I would suggest more originality (Kinda hard to do, everything has been done) and making your Characters not quite so Rambo generic. Try to add more detail to the effects of bullets and what they do to bodies. But anyway, keep writing.
