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Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Operation: Risen from the Ashes Prologue: An Odd Foresight'

9:54 pm | June 4, 2002
i dont give a shit if you guys read this cuz you probably wont but it was not plagerism...oh and display, i had taken notes for that fanfic before i had even went to COle Protocol so get off my ass. OBTW, i dont even eat micci Ds
11:31 am | May 30, 2002
Agreed, HaloMaster. Agreed.
2:00 am | May 28, 2002
everyone just lay off the kid,I mean at least he is writing something instead of sitting on his ass complaing anbout how much his life sucks,and suckin down quater pund chesseburgers from mcdonalds.
Display Name
5:58 pm | May 26, 2002
plagiarismn 1: a piece of writing that has been copied from someone else and is presented as being your own work 2: the act of plagiarizing; taking someone's words or ideas as if they were your own.----------------------------------------------I didnt feel like reading this again. You know, the Fall of Reach was okay, but I have other things to do then to read it twice.Also killa, the quality of my writing is not in question here. It is your down right copying of a phrase. And this isn't the first time you have used my ideas. In redemption or one other of your stories, a longsword has the word "Pheonix" tatooed on its wing. Wow, exactly like in mine. Hmmm, anyways, have fun re-writing for.
12:34 pm | May 26, 2002
I agree with Panzer and MC21. I see the point of view. Actually, it's not a rip off at all. It's when Mendez is training the Spartan-TWOs. It is similer, but not playgerism. It's good, except for the "ass" thing.
8:45 pm | May 24, 2002
Wow boy, settle down now. I never said that it was bad, just a little to close to For. I know ive never written a fanfic, i dont have time, but i do know the difference between original and copied. Yours, the prolouge anyway, is copied but its possible that the latter chapters will be original and that the fic will be good.
11:42 am | May 23, 2002
furthermore, plagerism is copying something word for word, and just occasionally replacing words with others...i did not do that, and there is not evidence of this, and yes, Jeh is right, it is called Modeling...however, none of you would know as only about two of you that have posted in reply have written a "fic..."
11:22 am | May 23, 2002
oh, and Display, shut it...your not even that great of a writer, and i can prove that i am way better...and besides, i havent even read your shitty ass "fic" if thats what you wanna call it
11:22 am | May 23, 2002
why dont you shut your asses till i post chapter 1 first, dumbasses...also, i want to see some of you post some "stories" here...
11:20 am | May 23, 2002
If he's young, big deal. It's called modeling, and he's doing it. Maybe when he's through with copying the technique of FoR and getting his feet a little wet, he'll come back to HBO with something better, something more creative. Let him be.
3:02 am | May 23, 2002
Yes, well I have to say, maybe I was a little quick to judge. While it's not plaigarism, it's much too similar. On the other hand, I understand his point of view. I have this other story I've written which has been on the back burner for maybe a year. It's based completely on my own universe, own characters. However, its very much modeled after "The Sword of Shannara." Not so much as in plot, charcters, etc. Those are original. But, the way the story flows and the layout of the "world" is very similar to SOS. So I see where he's coming from. He found a writing style that he wants to emulate, and that's fine. I remember what it was like to be 12 and thinking up your own stories. It was tough. Just try to have a little more original material next time, and you'll be set.
12:45 am | May 23, 2002
oh, and 21, have you even played Halo? i mean, even tho u are talking all this shit on writers, have you even written an essay in your life?
12:16 am | May 23, 2002
Sorry dude i didn't mean to piss you off, god i all i ment was that part of it seemed like the FoR. Okay its fine except for that minor exception.
10:42 pm | May 22, 2002
Uses 'ass' to much, rip off of FoR, and playgerism. Not cool. Not cool at all. Think of something orginal and post it. I would like to read it, IF you make an orginal piece.
12:39 am | May 22, 2002
Good story, I'd like to know what happens but I would have to agree with them part of your story is a rip off of the FoR. In all good so keep it up
12:16 am | May 22, 2002
I have to agree, other than the first paragraph, none of this is really original. You took most of the first couple chapters, and changed the names.
12:02 am | May 22, 2002
most of this story is a total rip of The Fall of Reach, good direction your heading in other than the out right palgerism.
Display Name
10:51 pm | May 21, 2002
I think its a good book to aspire to. The kid is twelve, I dont blame him for getting a little inspiration from a great writer.
8:45 pm | May 21, 2002
Am I the only one who thinks that this is a FoR wannabe?
Display Name
8:31 pm | May 21, 2002
http://coleprotocol.pokerage.com/index.php?x=./community/fiction/fic_marinesChapter 3....
Display Name
8:31 pm | May 21, 2002
I cant help but notice you stole the name of your story from the name of a chapter from mine....
