
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Halo: The Battle Within. Prologue & Chapter 1'

9:13 pm | February 24, 2004
Hey Guys, I'm not sure whats going on, but for some reason, it wont let me post the next chapter for you guys. I'm not sure what I'm going wrong. Just thought I would update you...

12:09 pm | February 24, 2004
Cool, really. It's things like "The name stuck" that make a story good. Oooh and provide some backround about what happened to earth if the Covenant attacked it if you can. Good point MCC.
One last thing try not to mention "Castle of the Majestic" any more cause it sounds a bit fake. Great job!
Bryan D. (A.K.A. B-Man)
7:45 pm | February 23, 2004
Just thought I would let you guys know, that I've discided I will try to release a chapter every Saturday. It might not work out that way, and I may take a break a few times. But keep your eyes peeled for the next update. (I'm curently working on chapter 3, when its done, I will release chapter 2.)
5:14 pm | February 23, 2004
Yea its good, lets see where this is going.

First to rise, Last to fall
Helljumpers do it all
Feet first into hell
MC's Cousin
2:15 pm | February 23, 2004
It was pretty good, honestly. I think you have potential. Beign the first of your series It was a little borinf but that is to be expected. Although I'm not sure how Keyes' son could know about what happened on the ring (i guess anything is possible in Halo)

Signing Off

Bryan D.
12:49 pm | February 23, 2004
Hey guys, I'm looking forward to writing this story. Tell me what you think about it. I'm open to anything. Tell me it sucks, if its true, thats fine...if not, don't lie.
12:49 pm | February 23, 2004
I like....i dont know what about it, it was just good
12:49 pm | February 23, 2004
I like....i dont know what about it, it was just good
