
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'The Battle of Prometheus'

11:42 pm | March 27, 2003
You have to admit that Brad had some creativity on the title! Prometheus was the god from greek mythology who created the human race. He was later punished by Zeus (his nephew) by having his liver devoured by an eagle.
8:37 pm | March 25, 2003
-simple sentences.
-generic plot
-Is there a plot?
-literal. Use more ad____s
-Nothing good to comment on... Besides...
+Not as pathetic as all the other things I have given a D+... Maybe a C+ is in order...
7:18 pm | March 25, 2003
interesting about the language differences. otherwise its as generic as any other run n gun story.
1:52 pm | March 25, 2003
I wouldn't say it's boring as much as it's poorly written. There are alot of sentences like

Oh no. A marine died. Grenades were everywhere. More grunts came. Oh no! He died...

Work on that a bit...
12:47 pm | March 25, 2003
It's good. But it's a boring, stale, onoriginal kind of good.
