
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Changes Two: Categorical Imperative'

7:30 am | March 29, 2004
And what the hell does narf mean?
7:28 am | March 29, 2004
Hey, finally someone who actually reads Lord of the Rings. About time too. Good. Still a touch dark, though i suppose that's how you want it. Me, I like a bit of humour. There was some there, but it was grim humour. Not as funny. Still, excellent work!
4:21 pm | March 9, 2003
Uh, allowing you to do it? Nobodies stopping you. Good stories are always wanted here. That's what fan fiction is for.
Mark Boone, Jesus Freak
9:54 pm | March 5, 2003
My heartfelt thanks to the people at halo.bungie.org for allowing me to do this. I greatly appreciate it. Everyone have a nice day. Narf.
