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Comments for 'Chapter One: The Rise of the Phoenix' |
Blue Jaguar
11:54 am | September 3, 2003
thanks guys
11:18 am | September 3, 2003
Yeah, I can help with the indents, just poke around fanfics on the current front page of fanfics and you'll find somewhere where I posted simple word instructions on how to do it. As for the hundred thing, you're probably right...
1:06 am | September 3, 2003
guys on the number thing its actually numbers with a sounding of three words, such as 134.You would still have to type one hundred out or one million ect. becuase its only a two sounding number. i would get my grammer book out but its late i got tests tomorrow aand I don't feel like looking it up. is this how u indent?
[indent] Hi!
9:54 pm | September 2, 2003
Dispraiser, its actually numbers above one hundred. Anything lower than that you should spell out.
Blue Jaguar
8:13 pm | September 2, 2003
i seem to be having trouble with indentations. I guess i am doing something wrong, they are indented when i preview them but arent when it is sent in. I was advised to at least have a space between paragraphs, if you can help me or have any info i am all ears open, thanks for the advice dispraiser, i assume you are the one from the Lunar 4 series?
Oh and this is a sequal, sorry i guess i didnt make it well known, this story starts were my other story, Stranded Eagle, in the SA-118 series ends.
7:01 pm | September 2, 2003
I decided to start posting comments again because I felt mean that so many people were commenting on my fanfics and I wasn't commenting on any... Anyways, yours was chosen randomly, and from what I can tell it's pretty good. The cahracters have realistic and somewhat sarcastic elements to them (great!) and the story is okay, though I can't help but feel this is a chapter two or sequel type scenario... Anyways, I did notice some grammar errors. One time you missed capitalization on the word Pelican, and another time you said to where you meant too. Remember, too with two os means excess. Also, another small thing, you only number things with actual digits once they are ten (?) or above. Otherwise you type it out. (Not 4 Pelicans, but four Pelicans). I can't say that any of these besides the to error are anything you should worry about at all.
Nice job introducing the new ship.
Rating... Not gonna give one for any fanfic... Got me in trouble last time.
Also, learn to indent. I can't mention this because people will pummel me into the ground for it, but indenting is something that you should do if you like your fanfic.
5:42 pm | September 2, 2003
This was really pleasant to read. I look forward to the next chapter. In all my other post I try to give advice, but I really just want to see where this story goes. Keep up the good work. 9.3/10