
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Halo 2: Base Alpha 5 USNC part 1'

11:06 am | April 28, 2004
wow the grammer really sucked....you really need to get a life...ive read better spam than this
1:54 am | November 23, 2003
as my teach says "critism=improvment"
CoLd BlooDed
11:12 pm | November 15, 2003
it was ok but it needs to be more spaced out like Blue Angel said, also you need a little grammar improvement, whenever someone is speaking it is always a new paragraph. Just a little advice 6/10
10:18 pm | November 15, 2003
it was only my first story, i will try to improve, i am only 12...
Blue Angel
5:12 pm | November 15, 2003
Yet sorta flung out need to spread it out just a bit to make it look a little more colorful.
But a very good read i might say good job and good luck on your stories.
4:36 pm | November 15, 2003
you said then almost every other sentance. and how can cortana point at something? shes a computer program.
