
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'It's A Beautiful Day'

The NEW Zak
1:14 pm | June 28, 2004
This was probably one of the few of the good poems here at Fan Fic. AWESOME, keep it up!

The NEW Zak
4:19 am | June 28, 2004
Good to see another Clown writing here :)

Excellent job. Twisted, warped, clownish--the whole nine yards.

C.T. Clown
Nick Kang
4:55 pm | June 27, 2004

That was awesome, excellent rhyming and a good umm...storyline.

10:57 am | June 27, 2004
i found the rhyming technique in a poem that i loved and adapted it to fit a couple of ideas floating around in my head... it was a tad bit dificult, having to think a few stanza's ahead but i had fun with it...

thanxs guys... i'll begin work on something new soon... my previous stories set the mark for me, and i'm gonna try for something better...

2:13 am | June 27, 2004
I felt so ashamed of myself after reading this. My so-called poems were utterly blown away by this... Dr.Seuss-like piece of compact hilarity and madness, along with the everyone's favorite SPARTAN kicking ass with Star-Spangled Banner playing in the background.
Actually, that was confusing. Forget all that. I just thought this was great.
Dave Luck
1:14 am | June 27, 2004
Awesome! Excellent!

Really good.
343 Salty Beans
7:24 pm | June 26, 2004
It was funny! Haha...ha. No, seriously, it was. I like it, good stuff.

Young Gunna
7:01 pm | June 26, 2004
CoLd BlooDed
6:34 pm | June 26, 2004
Amok is officially dubbed the poetry God. :P

I loved it, better than I could do. The new rhyme scheme (or is it new? I haven't seen it before) was spectacular.

Overall, great job, keep it up Amok!
6:05 pm | June 26, 2004
Very, VERY nice. I liked all the couplets. The first two lines of a stanza rhymed, and the last line rhymed with another last line, very good rhyme scheme.

Don't grade poems, but what the hell.
4:57 pm | June 26, 2004
Dr. Sues watch out....

Wow, just as Walker said... WOW. That was very nice, it flowed smoothly, plus a new rhyming technique I haven't seen before (last word in each stanza rhymes)it added a new catch to it. Very, very well done.

Keep em comin dude, you have a gift.



4:35 pm | June 26, 2004
Wow... that was awesome, Amok. I especially liked how it was kind of a conversation with the reader. It added a nice touch.

Keep up the good work.

