
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Forsaken Forefathers part IX: Defection'

2:15 pm | July 22, 2003
well steele, it looks like you, me, and AlphaBravo are just about the last old timers here. but im not goin anywhere for a while yet. and neither are you, i hope.
2:06 am | July 19, 2003
*There not they*
2:00 am | July 19, 2003
You know, I've realized that alot of people just aren't here anymore. Where did they go? Did a team of covert Grunts sneak into their house at night, tie and gag them, and shove them into a giant trash bag?

When I first came here alot more people where here and a lot of them have gone. It's a shame; a lot of 'em where really good writers.

This story did seem to be kind of thrown together, but they was some essentialliaty there. Wonder what the HUGE plot twist is...

"I get to drive the float, and Simmons, here, is in charge of CONFETTI!"
6:25 pm | July 11, 2003
Very good. I know I look like a newbie, but I've been here a while. I've been using a different name under my other e-mail address, and this is my real one. (Yes, it is I, Neo//hack!!)

Anyway, I'm looking forward to part X and the sudden twist (You shouldn't have warned us; I LOVE surprises).


Wiley K.
3:27 pm | July 11, 2003
Awesome, 9.5/10
1:03 pm | July 11, 2003
I really liked this one! It was a little on the short side, but still good: 9/10
2:38 am | July 11, 2003
i liked this one! a little short maybe....oh dammit, i write this series too dont i....
2:18 am | July 11, 2003
This part was kind of thrown together. But it is necessary for the huge plot twist you will be seeing soon.
