
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Earth's Wrath: Chapter 1 - Ruins of Earth'

12:29 am | April 26, 2004
Good story! And it's interesting about your next story, with halfblood! Cos in one of mine I've got a half-elite girl! I'm not accuing you or anything though. Proves great minds think alike, eh?
6:54 pm | April 25, 2004
I liked it

Ninja Steve
11:27 am | April 25, 2004
Nick Kang
11:21 AM | April 25, 2004
I hate laptops...(no offense to anyone who uses them)


Yeah, they can be a bit of a pain, and editing fan fics is hard using a touchpad (deleting things by accident, etc.)
i don't have much of a choice, though, until my computer is fixed (but its possible that by the time that happens, halo 2 will be considered to be based 'in the past')
Nick Kang
10:21 am | April 25, 2004
I hate laptops...(no offense to anyone who uses them)

Ninja Steve
9:27 am | April 25, 2004
10:09 PM | April 24, 2004
Good, but [indent] using the HTML code, otherwise its a big block of text that makes your head ache. lol

sorry if anyone else is having trouble with viewing, it may also be to do with the fact that i am currently using a laptop as a computer, which im not familiar with. all should be back to normal soon (i hope...)
9:09 pm | April 24, 2004
Good, but [indent] using the HTML code, otherwise its a big block of text that makes your head ache. lol
Ninja Steve
4:17 pm | April 24, 2004
er...okay. thanks...(except to shawn. i would prefer REAL comments)
The REAL Nick Kang
1:24 pm | April 24, 2004
If another Nick Kang comes through here calling you a faggot, it isn't me. It's my friend Shawn

