
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Fire Team Zulu: Futile Resistance'

4:57 pm | April 11, 2003
Good story!
8:44 pm | April 10, 2003
lay off me man...i said in the story i havent figured out how to indent, but now that i have, i will do it if it pleases you...geez....you need to stop being hard on people just having fun....
8:22 pm | April 10, 2003
INdent or I don't read. While one reader may not seem like a lot when you only have four or five... it is...
James Kinsella
11:22 am | April 10, 2003
Your timeline was a little off but you already apologized for that so it's okay. Just so you know, those aren't the marines that stormed the valley. I hope you send a new fanfic in soon.
2:40 am | April 10, 2003
It was nice to see you did a story on those group of marines. :D
1:15 am | April 10, 2003
o shit, good point dude...damn....sorry folks....wrong people....o well...
James Kinsella
1:01 am | April 10, 2003
It is the right fire team, just not the right characters in the fire team. "I could be wrong but I thought it was Johnson, Mendoza, Bisenti and the rest of the boys. Probably wrong but Oh well...
12:20 am | April 10, 2003
huh? what do you mean those arent the marines that stormed the valley? I remember clearly that guy saying "Fire Team Zulu" when the Pelican comes in...I'm sure of it...well, if i'm wrong, sorry folks, we can pretend though right? (i know, i hate these [indent] things)
