
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Blind Eyes'

Arthur Wellesly
5:36 pm | April 16, 2003
This was an excellent poem, I think I found the points based on Halo... but you really have to look, and that is the sign of a good poem: subtle. I really liked it, you should be a poem writer for this site.
2:24 am | April 16, 2003
huh? this is based on Halo?

never mind that, Very good job. Depressing.. but that thats fine, I like it that way.

keep up the mind boggling poetry and you'll make Shakespeare a figment of my imagination.. just like I wish he was *cough* damn english class*cough*

10:21 pm | April 15, 2003
Not sure how to grade a poem, but it was pretty good. Well written and it didn't make a nary bit of sense (Which is how you know a poem is good). I've never been a poem reader but some I do read and I liked this one.
Traumatised Marines
6:47 pm | April 15, 2003
Professional, and they'd sound rather deep, were it not for the fact we know they're based on Halo.
Shadow Spartan
6:02 pm | April 15, 2003
been awhile since we've seen poems, good job
5:27 pm | April 15, 2003
First poem in a long time...
