
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Something Wicked This Way Comes, pt. 1'

4:03 am | January 30, 2004
You don't have to listen to their comments if you don't want to. Regardless of what some have said, you do have the potential. You have good descriptions. Getting the facts straight and fixing the storylines are very important to the story itself, but that can improve over time. Don't get discouraged, you are a good writer. The only thing that really ate at me about this story was the rather disturbing Master Chief personality. He is nothing like that. He does not make things suffer for the pleasure of it. It is his duty, nothing more. My suggestion for this story would have been to replace the MC character with a real badass Marine (like Sergeant Johnson).
5:35 am | January 26, 2004
You aren't a bad writer, you shouldn't get so pissed about it. The only point i wanted to make was don't take other stories titles...sheesh
2:59 am | January 26, 2004
Whoa, calm down! Your story ain't that bad, just a touch violent. And there are gonna be comments. Look on it as tips for improvements in other stories. Chill, okay?
Silent Death Sorrow
1:50 am | January 26, 2004
Im not angry at there posts. Im just madd because of the asumptions there making. They are saying that just because of one story that i shouldnt write, like all my stories suck! I am so fucking pissed about that.
11:37 pm | January 25, 2004
to the author,
if you don't like the comments then don't post here. we are all writers who like Halo. In fact your story does suck. I started reading it and ended after two paragraphs. I just couldn't get into it. then again i say that about a lot of stories. maybe its me, maybe i'm just pickie. does anyone agree with this?


First to rise, last to fall
Helljumpers do it all

Feet First into hell
Silent Death Sorrow
9:53 pm | January 25, 2004
Hey, hey, hey all you dumb wastes of life that sit at your computer and only say bad things about people should be set on fire, and go to hell. OH, one story and writing isnt for me. You know what, up your asses, all your asses!!!
Lone Wolf 4001
5:41 am | January 25, 2004
Sorry man, but I just don't like it. It's not about the personality that bothers me, just the generalized everything. It sounds like one of those storys where you didn't want to devolpe an in depth story so you winged it. 4/10
3:58 am | January 25, 2004
haha woops i dont even k now how i double posted, thats odd........ i only clicked once
3:54 am | January 25, 2004
Errrr interesting story. Doesn't seem like the master chief what so ever, I mean he doesn't act like some ole trooper in the Corps. Nice grammer though, I have to give you that. But also don't steal a title from real authors. Something Wicked This Way Comes is a book written by Ray Bradbury. When you think of a title, make sure it isn't being sold in book stores..ok?
3:51 am | January 25, 2004
yo Master Chief is 2 words for one, and the MC is not a mechanical killing instrument.... i mean geez it dont even get that violent in the game, anyhwho his arm would never be cut off by any coveneant..... other then those minor story items like the pistol its M6D, not M5D. and your facts, good grammer, other then that, i dont quite think writing is for you, i mean it might be, but your facts are not right at all and you do have some creativity as bloody as it is, other then that *whistles* good luck
3:51 am | January 25, 2004
yo Master Chief is 2 words for one, and the MC is not a mechanical killing instrument.... i mean geez it dont even get that violent in the game, anyhwho his arm would never be cut off by any coveneant..... other then those minor story items like the pistol its M6D, not M5D. and your facts, good grammer, other then that, i dont quite think writing is for you, i mean it might be, but your facts are not right at all and you do have some creativity as bloody as it is, other then that *whistles* good luck
4:07 pm | January 24, 2004
HE doesnt hate them either he juss kills them b/c its his job but nice story
4:03 pm | January 24, 2004
MC aint that mean
