
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Halo:Sgt.Johnson's War Chapter 2:revenge'

5:32 am | February 8, 2004
The people here will happily work with you, if you ask them. If you choose the path of darkness and decide to turn against us, you would be amazed how much attention a huge bonfire attracts :D
CoLd BlooDed
4:50 pm | February 7, 2004
Okay, good, you chose the better path.

In the same box where you click the link to submit your Fanfic there is another one right above it, click on the "Read This" link.

It tells you how to indent and make your story look a whole lot better, it worked for me. :D
5:19 am | February 7, 2004
yeah i guess ur right sorry just over reacted i promise the next part will be better waaayyyy better. sorry guys
12:33 pm | February 6, 2004
You know, if you really want to see stuff start flying, just tell me, because waaaay back when H_K was just starting out, I didn't go easy on him either.

Just because you're new, doesn't mean you're gonna be treated unfairly. Everyone gets the same treatment.
CoLd BlooDed
11:33 pm | February 5, 2004
Dude. Calm down.

Doesn't mean we play halo all day and it also doesn't mean we don't have lives. Maybe its just because we're actually good at writing.

Do you really want me to flame you? If so, just tell me to.

But if not, just work on those things, there are plenty of people who have no hope on writing. Fix up those things, and it is possible you could become a decent writer.
5:26 am | February 5, 2004
you know screw it god guys! i won't post anything here anymore and i'll advise others to do also. and i also didn;t know thios was grammer class you ppl probly sit around and play halo all die you probly don't have lives

except Capo Rip atleast he didn't turn on auto flame. just because it's not that good is no reason to flame me
5:17 am | February 5, 2004
yes im a sab fan and come on ppl its my first one give me a break!!!! jking i know it sux i was just boared
CoLd BlooDed
3:38 am | February 5, 2004
I read the first few paragraphs and said to myself, "This is too unrealistic."

Listen to the other comments like Hawk said, the conversations, grammar, length, spelling, and some other things like that need work. LOTS.
Capo Rip
2:28 am | February 4, 2004
Heh, a Space: Above and Beyond fan, eh? :)
2:01 am | February 4, 2004
You might want to actually use the comments from your other story before deciding to write another one. . .
