
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Medic!'

12:16 am | June 24, 2004
OCCASSIONALLY take flaming? What the hell are you smoking? That is all we do. If we talk about "Helljumper's ODST", without the proper "RESPECT" to them. Well I think helljumper can go "Feet First into my Ass" He is just a punk ass bitch who spazs out everytime some new writer even mentions a hint of a clue to a riddle of there being an ODST. And if its not what HE thinks an ODST should be like, then EVERYONE else agrees with him. You know when I'm angry at all the "regulars", all they do is tell me to "stop it or you'll look stupid." People like me get no respect because we haven't been here for a long time. I found that all the regulars here PROBALY started out as average kids, then started writing stories EVERY chance they get. Some people have 3 or 4 pages of fanfics people like Coldblooded(how the hell do you say that fucking name?) have, and I counted, exactly SIXTY stories. I mean JE-sus Christ! All of you "regulars" All you regulars are probal bullied in school so you flame people here, so I quit for good, never will write a story. Just to make this clear this is all because of the "regulars" like cold-whatever, helljumper(that STUPID ASS BITCH!!!!), and many others who show no respect to newbs or n00bs. Well FUCK all the regulars and


PS. You'll see no more of me forever, and for the people who ACTUALLY liked my stories, my email is romac1991@yahoo.com
Well bye everyone and fuck all the regulars.
12:16 am | June 24, 2004
OCCASSIONALLY take flaming? What the hell are you smoking? That is all we do. If we talk about "Helljumper's ODST", without the proper "RESPECT" to them. Well I think helljumper can go "Feet First into my Ass" He is just a punk ass bitch who spazs out everytime some new writer even mentions a hint of a clue to a riddle of there being an ODST. And if its not what HE thinks an ODST should be like, then EVERYONE else agrees with him. You know when I'm angry at all the "regulars", all they do is tell me to "stop it or you'll look stupid." People like me get no respect because we haven't been here for a long time. I found that all the regulars here PROBALY started out as average kids, then started writing stories EVERY chance they get. Some people have 3 or 4 pages of fanfics people like Coldblooded(how the hell do you say that fucking name?) have, and I counted, exactly SIXTY stories. I mean JE-sus Christ! All of you "regulars" All you regulars are probal bullied in school so you flame people here, so I quit for good, never will write a story. Just to make this clear this is all because of the "regulars" like cold-whatever, helljumper(that STUPID ASS BITCH!!!!), and many others who show no respect to newbs or n00bs. Well FUCK all the regulars and


PS. You'll see no more of me forever, and for the people who ACTUALLY liked my stories, my email is romac1991@yahoo.com
Well bye everyone and fuck all the regulars.
CoLd BlooDed
2:36 am | June 23, 2004
Very nice, you do well with "un-Flood" stories. :P
white grunt
1:06 am | June 23, 2004
about the mahicne guns thing
white grunt
12:23 am | June 23, 2004
white grunt
12:18 am | June 23, 2004
machine guns + marines=dead elites,but if the marines suk at aiming beats me...but great story
5:24 pm | June 22, 2004
erm...I don't think it was necessary to put "properly" in bold text.
Nick Kang
11:15 am | June 22, 2004
Hmmmm...a non-Flood story by Severian? How strange. It was good, I must say, although not as good as your poem up the page. And were the machine gun platforms using the same mounted guns as in the E3 demo? Cause if they were, even on Legendary, those would shred an Elite quite nicely.

7:15 am | June 22, 2004
It was alright but it never really caught my attention. Good idea though.
343 Salty Beans
5:51 am | June 22, 2004
Proofread it before you submit.

'The man subsided almost immediately; Spoke sighed with relief, and tore open a new medpack and applied it to the wound.' ???? I think you meant 'pain subsided'.

Also, a few spelling and grammatical errors.

I forgive you though, because we all make mistakes. Especially me. For instance, Don't drink two liters of DR PEPPER and then jump up and down at a concert (I did that tonite). It pains the tummy.

I should probably post what I LIKED about it, too. Excellent detail, and great dialogue. I enjoyed the ending.

Other than that, good story. I didn't know that little tidbit on medics, Anonymous. Nifty little bit, that was.

1:39 am | June 22, 2004
Nice story story, i liked it but it could have been so much better
Thanks. -Severian-
8:45 pm | June 21, 2004
8:36 pm | June 21, 2004
Mm... good story, but you never let the "Really serious ones" die. You take care of them first, then the others. For reference see the opening scene in Saving Private Ryan, where the senior medic marks the patients in order of priority, starting with the most heavily wounded. Treatment for these, however, is usually simply to ease their passing. Once again, good story.
