
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Ballad of The Chief'

Sergent Cannon Fodder
8:22 am | July 17, 2004
He,he. Sorry for the spelling errors and grammatical mistakes. I was thinking at around 12pm so my brain kinda shut off. Cheers for the comments. And I will try to make a better one next time.
Also, I will be using my game name from now on, Its Sarge 10.
someone that you dont know
7:03 pm | July 9, 2004
Its spelled S-E-R-G-E-A-N-T but oh well
7:48 pm | July 7, 2004
i think he spelled it right i dont know
Elite Slayer
12:03 am | July 7, 2004
I thought it was a good post. Even though fighting for a polygon, what Jessica said might sound stupid, it's not. Cortana knows the location of Earth and the MC would die for Cortana! So good story!!!!!!!!!
5:38 am | July 4, 2004
It was decent, I'll give you that. Definately on of the better first timers around here. Like the others said, Grammatical errors galore to me. Part didnt really make sense. Such As:

For This, He is a hero

Or whatever that line was. It didnt make sense to me, not sure about you guys though. Well, nice first try, good luck in the future.

7:17 am | July 3, 2004
It wasn't bad...There were a few grammatical and spelling errors, and erm, you kinda spelt your name wrong...It's spelt Sergeant...I think...Correct me if i'm wrong...Hehehe, Master Chief fighting for Cortana...

...."Cortana! I'll fight to the death for you!!"

"Dude, you're fighting for a polygon?!"

"Is there something wrong about that??"

"Erm, I dunno..."

Heh, btw, i know i'm supposed to put the speakers name and stuff after, but i'm just kinda lazy right now...hehe

1:50 am | July 3, 2004
I never knew that Master Chief was fighting for Cortana.
Slit Throat
3:00 pm | July 2, 2004
Well, they weren't very obvious. "Cheif" and "could'nt" was all I found.
hunter that daonce
2:33 am | July 2, 2004
what slit throat said, except i didnt see any errors
Slit Throat
2:04 am | July 2, 2004
Not too bad, for a first post. Spotted some grammar and spelling errors but overall I'd say…

