
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Part 1'

MC's Cousin
6:52 pm | June 17, 2004
I will start out with: THE CODE. WTF is it? I'm glad you asked. "The Code" is the pseudocode used to use text effects and indents and horizontal rules in a story here. It may not sound like much, but it makes a BIG difference in a story. (look at the site Sterfrye36 posted)
Another thing you might want to work on is variety. Work on coming up with a different detail every time. For example (not that you used this) don't just use the word ship. You can use ship, craft, vessel and a couple others.
I saw that you mentioned about the paragraph thing, yeas, you need to expand on some events and use paragraphs for semi-distinct changes. Also, remember to always start on a new line each time a different person speaks. It makes it less confusing.

Signing Off

11:18 am | June 16, 2004
Ok I hear you, this was my first fanfic and I can see where the scenes seem to skip around to much.

Next time I will make more paragraphs out of it. The paragraphs seemed to get longer as I went.

But what do you mean use the code? WTF is the code? Thanks for reading:)
4:39 am | June 16, 2004
Sorry about that but I thought when I entered the series name that the title would display: (title name) (episode name). But instead it just put up the episode name. Now that I know that I will change it in my future fanfics:)
4:39 am | June 16, 2004
Sorry about that but I thought when I entered the series name that the title would display: (title name) (episode name). But instead it just put up the episode name. Now that I know that I will change it in my future fanfics:)
1:57 am | June 16, 2004
This explains what the code is:


Cut and paste into your browser.
1:30 am | June 16, 2004
Think of some sort of title, other than Part 1, Part 2. But good work for a fist timer.
9:45 pm | June 15, 2004
and bleeping out shit didn't look good, just post the word in there, makes it less noticable of the bleeping of it, and makes the story look a bit better without the three random starts in the middle of a sentence, and like Mister Chief 117 said use the code, the story was average.
Mister Chief 117
8:35 pm | June 15, 2004
Well, use the code next time.

Make more paragraphs out of them.
