
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Covenant Elite Morphology'

Big kitty
10:24 pm | May 18, 2003
if you could call it a story
Big Kitty
10:21 pm | May 18, 2003
7:27 PM | may 18, 2003
dude, next time stay in my vocabulary! Great story though.
Mr Yun
3:48 am | May 13, 2003
Good idea Steele, I may have to write more entries about Grunts, Jackals and Hunters! My original intent was to post diagrams of the dissection (Covie internals rendered in Maya). But we'll have to see how much time I have.

Frensa Geran brings up a good point...weapon mechanics! If anyone has read the Star Trek Technical manuals that explain how everything works (from warp drives to phasers) they know what I mean. Anyone up to the task?
Frensa Geran
2:04 am | May 13, 2003


Weapon augmentation: VERY VERY BIG GUN!
5:08 pm | May 10, 2003
I know it's not a story, but I loved it. Maybe you should make a file-like thing. Do one of those for all Covenant species...

That'd be nice.
12:52 am | May 10, 2003
I like VERY much, lol I'da never thought to corelate 9th grade Bio to Halo, sweet Idea, as for the terminology, its used well, keep it up its allways fun to throw stuff over people's heads isnt it, check my line of Unexpected Surprises out keep yours comming !
Frensa Geran
9:43 pm | May 9, 2003
Very Very original idea. And also written very proffesionally and even looked real. I didn't understand most of the words, but I got the idea. ;)
Mr Yun
5:02 pm | May 9, 2003
I got the idea remembering 9th grade biology class, we had to identify animals using taxinomic descriptions. Virtually all known living things, and some nonliving things (galaxys and start clusters) are reduced to their component parts to help classify them. So I thought, eventually UNSC scientists would do the same with Covenant.
