
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'The Iron Hands of the Prophets (Part 7): The Second Siege'

9:45 am | April 7, 2004
this is one of the few storys that i see only worth reading it was able to keep my attention.
i think that people who can pull off a decent covey story are some of ther best writers weel done mate and kudos on the series
1:15 pm | April 5, 2004
Somehow, I havent really taken the time to read this entire series, but I found the time earlier today, and I do regret my lazyness.

I do not know of what to praise in this story, since everything is flawless, and just plain wonderful. I don't know if it can get better.
System Failure
11:11 am | April 5, 2004
Great story man. The best I've read. Keep them comnig Jackal.
12:36 am | April 5, 2004
Thanks to everyone who has commented on my stories and to those who will comment on them in the future. Your comments mean a lot to me, and they give me an idea of what others like and don't like so that I can improve my writing beyond what I normally could through my own critiscm of it.
Oh, and Stacey, not only CAN I win the war, I already have ;)
CoLd BlooDed
11:29 am | April 4, 2004
*cough* FB *cough*

jan white
7:03 am | April 4, 2004
you have an amazing story line, how you set it is wonderful. You have a great hook. Trust me I would know I teach english in high school. If my students were half as good as you I would be thrilled. Never let the end of this series stop you from writing.
1:28 am | April 4, 2004
Very nice. Now don't sell yourself short when comparing yourself to the Halo authors. Remember, they have dozens of people helping them - editors, game authors etc. etc. - and when they have a question about details - they just call up bungie and...ASK...AND GET AN ANSWER!

So give yourself a pat on the back for a job well done - on your own.
10:59 pm | April 3, 2004
good job 9.6/10.
9:50 pm | April 3, 2004
I'll get around to reading those other two books...eventually...I have no money to buy them, heh heh...^^;; Well, I like this series because it focuses on the Covenant, and the Covenant are my absolute favorites. Maybe that's why I think it's better than the books. And beat me repeatedly on Slayer? Not to be arrogent...but I dare you to try! Haha! After all, I can only get better, right? You may have won that first battle, but you can't win the war! ;p
3:47 pm | April 3, 2004
I loved the betrayel. Keep it up Mad!
12:52 pm | April 3, 2004
They keep getting better and better. Keep up the good work!
6:32 am | April 3, 2004
Turning Ruka into a traitor was a twist I wasn't expecting. I can't wait till the next part.
4:51 am | April 3, 2004
The last part, Two Betrayals, will be out soon. I'm dying to talk about Ruka, but I'm going to save that discussion for the comments page of the last part. ;)

Oh, and Stacey, I wouldn't say that this is better than the Halo books. Those are incredible not just for their writing, but for their creativity. You need to read those other two! I keep bugging you about it and you never do it! Don't make me come over there and smash you on Slayer repeatedly until you read them! That won't be fun (for you anyways)! Trust me! :D
CoLd BlooDed
3:16 am | April 3, 2004
Nice, I read this earlier but didn't have time to comment.

This series is coming to a close, as I can see, and I loved the way you ended this chapter. Die, Ruka, DIE!

Anyways, loved it, keep it up, dude.
The Frenchman
12:18 am | April 3, 2004
This is the first HALO Fan Fiction series I ever bothered to read. Too bad it's going to end soon. Poor Suka. :(
10:33 pm | April 2, 2004
Loved it!! Reading this was the first thing I did when I got home today! Completely excellent. You're the greatest fanfiction author I know. This is even better than the Halo books (even though I've only read one of them ^^;; but it's still really really good!)!!
9:52 pm | April 2, 2004
I like really good 9/10
