
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'First Contact: Part Two'

8:36 pm | March 31, 2004
good but yes the grammar needs improving, and the historical person you named after was the guy who assasinated lincoln couldnt you choose someone who did something good ( just joking)
The Collector
10:03 am | March 21, 2004
My brain hurts... the grammar i can get over but the lack of sense i cant lol. Make ur next story a lil more vivid and controlled. Take ur time and have some1 else read it before you submit. Read the novels they will help with ideas.
March on
Lord Spark
5:57 pm | March 11, 2004
Yes my grammar sucks. I know. But there were fewer mistakes in part two than there was in Part one. Also I just wanted to know if anyone caught the name of the fighter pilot. Did anyone think it sounded familier. From here on out, always look closely at character names in my stories. They will usually be named after historical people.
5:23 am | March 11, 2004
pretty good man, I mean you never read any halo novels and it seems like you had it on the dot.
4:56 am | March 11, 2004
You should read the books
7:14 pm | March 10, 2004
Dam laptops sorry

UMM where was I ohh a million other people have done this story but the nes you are doing aint bad but I concur with master grunt
7:14 pm | March 10, 2004
Dam I was going to do First contact but then I realised a million other people
2:30 pm | March 10, 2004
Pretty good but grammar needs improvement.
