
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'He's Baaaaaack! Intro-A Swipe to the Stomach'

Sentinel 802701
5:35 pm | October 26, 2002
I like the new pics they added to the frames of the HBO site.
11:49 am | October 23, 2002
actually, It could mean California! But i knew he was canadaian anyway. :)
11:29 am | October 23, 2002
Because your e-mail adress ends with .co.ca!! The .ca tag means CANADA!!
the mimic
10:14 pm | October 22, 2002
hi guy's i am the mimic and i would like to apologise for what i did if i offended any one i am VERY VERY VERY sorry please accept my aplogies Thank you Please feel free to email me at Scope123us@yahoo.com
9:50 pm | October 22, 2002
nm, figured it out..lol
9:50 pm | October 22, 2002
Yeah, but how did you figure out i was canadian? bungie.net?
Spartan415 (MM
9:00 pm | October 22, 2002
what about the canadians Arch and Knightmare?
6:50 pm | October 22, 2002
Now your not alone :)
4:57 pm | October 22, 2002
so theirs more than one canadian author i thought i was all alone
8:06 pm | October 21, 2002
try me :)
6:36 pm | October 21, 2002
they got my e-mail wrong! oh well...if ya all wanna send me e-mail, i DO check dirt@attcanada.ca but only 1 per week. Send fan mail (lol) to safari10a@hotmail.com. Glad you guys like it :)~*Killer_Fairy*~ps. this is just the intro...i got GREAT things planned for this fan fic.
6:05 pm | October 21, 2002
5:15 pm | October 21, 2002
great thats all i can say great
