
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'new mombasa'

The Razor
3:54 pm | May 13, 2004
I agree with the others(most of them att least).
1:23 am | May 1, 2004
7:15 pm | April 29, 2004
A proper education is the first step to good writing.

If you don't have a good education, you can't write well. So take less time writing, and more time learning. Think about it..
Nick Kang
6:27 pm | April 29, 2004
Yeah, everyone's got a first time for stuff. Of course, those mistakes were kinda hard to miss, and even harder to make.

CoLd BlooDed
12:43 am | April 29, 2004
Er... I really don't know what to say to that post, Silver...

But I do know that made you seem quite like an ass. Plus, I'm pretty sure that Microsoft Word doesn't have Covenant Words registered in the spellcheck, yes, it was an obvious mistake, but a mistake (an annoying one) nonetheless.

Don't throw around the word "n00b", it's been pissing me off lately.
The Silver Spartan
4:17 pm | April 28, 2004
I know why I don't like it, it's because they spelled Brute, Broot. I mean really people, how f**king hard is it to spellcheck it in Word or something first? And they spelled outside, out sied. I am tearing my hair out at this point so I'm going to stop here, oh and btw, use the F**king code! I am not going to tell you how to do this, because it takes to long and you shoud have read the "Read This BEFORE Submitting Fiction" button!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHH!!!!


The Silver Spartan
Nick Kang
11:49 am | April 28, 2004
Yeah try using commas a little too. Ya know, they're the things that you hardly use...right next to the period button.

lol j/k

CoLd BlooDed
2:06 am | April 28, 2004
No, Nick, you're right... the comma key is right beside the period key.

Don't know what the j/k was, geez.
10:12 pm | April 27, 2004
Whet te F**k aws tat! the spweling blinbded my!!
8:49 pm | April 27, 2004
eye downt now, eye joost dednt lyke it i koold haredly ondrstaynd it. sory
Solidus Snake
6:29 pm | April 27, 2004
I was reading it until I found the word "out" spelled wrong. Yeah, I'm picky...
11:36 am | April 27, 2004
I didn't like it, i dont' know why

6:57 am | April 27, 2004
ummm you might want to send your stories to someone before you submit them, just so you dont have any mistakes. Paragraphing was great, which is something most writers lack. just put in some punctuation (full stops, commas, you know) and this will be great:) good storyline too:)
Nick Kang
12:12 am | April 27, 2004
I think it might have lacked detail. This is one of those stories where you don't really care for it...but you're not sure why.

