
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Forest of Black Epsilon'

jang himself
1:43 am | February 12, 2003
lol bloodcider, lol.
1:36 am | February 12, 2003
Don't you hate it when your story looks perfect, and you go back and read it when it's on the site and you say
"Damn, Could explained that more."
"Thats a little rushed."
and so on...
jang himself
11:51 pm | February 10, 2003
Marine is right, i didn't puit enough thought into the story. I should have put more detail into it. I just came up with some stuff. Basically, we made a spare Earth (dont ask me y, im just the writer!) but they made bcause they knew the covies were coming (sorry 4 my forums talk)
Traumatised Maine
12:56 pm | February 10, 2003
Banging story, but, "Earth 2"???
Surely the humans wouldn't have had the resources, and certainly no the time to set up a second Earth!

Sorry, but y'know, if you can't point stuff out with praise, then the thing you're praising can't get even better.
1:41 pm | February 9, 2003
Very good story
