
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'The Mars Annihilations Part 4'

12:18 am | September 29, 2003
Welp, the first step is admitting you have a problem. You just did. Now fix it, or expect bad comments.
7:37 pm | September 28, 2003
Well, I used to right short 1 page stories and post them on Fanfiction.net.

So I'm kinda fallen into my ways.
5:27 pm | September 28, 2003
Well, you don't neccessarily have to take weeks on it. I just sit down at my computer when I have some free time, or are bored, and type. I usually spend about an hour typing, and then five minutes correcting grammar and spelling errors. A week is kind of extreme for a simple chapter to a fan fic.
Alpha Lance
2:47 pm | September 28, 2003
I thoght it was good, but I kinda do have to agree with Dispraiser. Just don't spend like a day or two writting, but spend up to two to three week on it. And once you will get done for all those weeks, your story will be a long great story. Its what I do. But ot was good, so keep on writting. and I hope this help any.
1:44 pm | September 28, 2003
you really are a very skilled writer, the only objection that i have is how many enemie you put against the mc. the mc is only as strong as just barley beating halo on legendary, so that means there realy shouldn't be 61 elites firing at him
12:39 am | September 27, 2003
This is a tragedy, not in itself so much as for me. When i read the first sentence I was very happy. Unlike the normal HBO submission this one appeared to have lots of potential! However, the second sentence ripped that hope from me and kicked me in the head for second guessing that maybe, just this once, slang would not arrive in a fanfic.

Not to say you did a bad job, but consistency is key. Polished an extra day or so this one could shine.
