
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Pelican Charlie 223 Chapter Two'

12:41 am | May 4, 2003
Well done Kinsella good story!
6:34 am | May 3, 2003
Cool James! Easy to read, imagiunative descriptions and well written. Now all it needs is a plot twist...
James Kinsella
1:42 am | May 3, 2003
Actually, HTML script doesn;t bother me too much. I actually write it into the word document as I write the story. Once you do it for a while it's second nature. I am very glad you guys liked the new series. I decided at nine-o'clock on tuesday(I think) to write a new series and sat down and did it. I've been reading fanfics for a while now, and I wanted to do something that wasn't about the MC. I realized that hardly anybody visits the stories of our beloved UPS pilots, and that was that. I'm glad you all like it. Thanks for the comments!
1:32 am | May 3, 2003
Yeah, for awhile there James won't writing nothing, then one day half the fanfics on the page are his. You must have had one hard night of formating on the submission form. 9/10. If you need any advice on any matters concerning air-combat, I'm the one to see. Not saying you do, but just letting you know, ol' chap.
1:33 pm | May 2, 2003
Sry again i forgot to type my name down. IM anonymous sry for my screw up.
10:17 am | May 2, 2003
10/10 James u old dog u keep writing cuz we all love it,
10:17 am | May 2, 2003
now back to my life after reading all these storys. TOM CLANCY RULES
Shadow Spartan
1:21 am | May 2, 2003
wow james, this goes for all of your stories, 10/10, you are a good writer, keep it up
Arthur Wellesly
9:52 pm | May 1, 2003
Tres bons, monsieur, tres bons. I really quite enjoyed it, James. 9/10 for the both of them. Excellent material!
James Kinsella
9:48 pm | May 1, 2003
Hope you like! Tell me what you think!
9:48 pm | May 1, 2003
lol whats with the sudden breakout of all these fan fics from you? Anyway...it was good, and it can use more, but dont stress over my comment.
