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Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Just Getting Started Chapter Nine'

1:28 pm | May 3, 2003
ty james im touched
1:26 pm | May 3, 2003
rusty ill be hapy to kick ur *** on HALO online anytime
James Kinsella
6:12 pm | May 2, 2003
If you read from the beginning of this series you would know that this did happen AFTER Halo. That is why it is called Just Getting Started, because it is what he was just getting started doing after Halolo fell. And if you read the series you would know that it is during this time that the Humans have their boom in shipbuilding, to prepare for the assault on Covenant held worlds. This means that it is very possible that a fallen war hero like Keyes would get a ship named after him. Look at what we name our aircraft carriers; Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, and they are NIMITZ class Carriers. All of those people are dead war heroes. Also, I make it a point to comment on all of the fanfics submitted and I'm betting scope does too. It just shows his dedication to the work of others, not that he has no life.
Rusty Shakalford
4:32 pm | May 2, 2003
Why just getting started? Well I would like to start out by saying that Scope has no life considering the fact that he has a message posted on almost every story. But still that is not what I am here to say. Well why would Capitain Keys have a ship named after him already? The battle of Halo took place time after this story so how would Keys have a ship named after him? I thought that this pice wasnt all that bad but still needs some work. Now I dont want to be a total @$$ about all of the stories that I review so i think that i will give this a 7/10.
Just try to make this a bit longer and add more detail to it to make it more personable.
2:33 pm | May 2, 2003
9/10. Excellent series. YOu should have submitted parts eight and nine as one though.
James Kinsella
12:59 pm | May 2, 2003
I know. I've already lost some of the Zing. I went and started a new series, because I needed to get past this series. I'm going to keep it alive, but I'm probably going to put more into my new series, Pelican Charlie 223. Thanks for the comments.
John Morris
12:32 pm | May 2, 2003
Just getting started Chapter nine eh, just getting started ON CHAPTER NINE! how long will this series be, it's like the land before time 39, although this isn't crappy like that. Good job but remember 1 thing if you keep following one story for to long you'll loose the zing. 8.5/10
10:50 pm | May 1, 2003
10/10 Like it i love it!
James Kinsella
9:48 pm | May 1, 2003
Hope you like! Tell me what you think!
