
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Just Getting Started Chapter Seven'

James Kinsella
1:08 am | April 10, 2003
Ummm, yeah. I hope that whole cannibal thing was just a joke, cause I'm getting a little worried.
2:20 am | April 9, 2003
Arena? Hehe, I can just imagine it...me choppin' Wado's head off...put it on a platter...mabye a little lettuce on the side...
James Kinsella
1:03 am | April 9, 2003
Thank you for your comments, they have inspired me to new levels on the fanfic arena.
Dirty Commie
10:05 pm | April 8, 2003
Coulda been longer.......

But at least someone knows how to format. Thanks you.
9:21 pm | April 8, 2003
Yeah, each does seem to get better. I give this one an 85(I just gave Arthur's the same thing). I'll be on the lookout for the next.
Arthur Wellesly
9:02 pm | April 8, 2003
Hahaha, great story as always, Kinsella. Keep up the writing - if possible, each story becomes better.
Anthony Coronado
1:15 am | April 8, 2003
God damn it! I so badly wish I could bash your fic, but I, unfortunately, couldn't find anything to thrash on :P
James Kinsella
12:39 am | April 8, 2003
I hope everybody likes. It the series is gonna last for a lng time hopefully and this is still just the beginning. Tell me what you think!
