
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'One Marine, One Way, 1000 Grunts pt 1'

11:40 am | July 16, 2004
Now an ODST Marine could take on a thousand Grunts, no doubt about it :)

Oh yeah, there's a difference between newb and n00b. To all the critics out there: Make sure you know the difference. Everyone was new at some point (just do a search for some famous authors, you'll see their very first post...).

Wanting to do better and actually trying to do better are two differnet things; the things that set apart n00bs from newbies.
7:12 am | July 16, 2004
Ahhh 343 Guilty Spark...I got all the Marines out ALIVE on Legendary, and some Marine, being a smart arse, primed a grenade, but before he got it off, he was killed by a flood warrior, and he wiped out all my Marines...Bastard...And it killed me too...What an idiot...LoL

CoLd BlooDed
2:15 am | July 16, 2004
Now, I've had so many great moments on Halo with Marines that I've lost count. But one that sticks greatly out in my memory is when I got all the soldiers on 343 Guilty Spark back to the structure alive on Legendary - they all had either Shotguns or Assault Rifles, and did quick work of infection forms or combat forms. Of course I helped them out a bit, because whenever Marines are in the vicinity, I try and keep them all alive. :)
CoLd BlooDed
2:13 am | July 16, 2004
That's true, Red Ghost, but sometime the author might want to appeal to the audience. I mean, famous writers don't make millions by typing up piece of crap and unrealistic writing, do they? I'm just saying, realism is always good. If you want to keep doing it, fine, I just won't read the next one.

Zak, just because he didn't like your stories doesn't mean you have to complain about it. He's a critic, and he's allowed to be as annoying as he wants.
The NEW Zak
2:11 am | July 16, 2004
Why did Hawk7886 have to come back
Red Ghost
1:32 am | July 16, 2004
Just wondering...why can't a marine take on a thousand grunts? I mean, sure, in the game and in "real life" it would never happen, but it's a stinking fan fiction. So write away whatever you want man. Continue the dang thing. As long as its original, creative...(etc, blah blah blah)...just do whatever you want. Just because it doesn't fit the standards of the "veterans" of HBO (no offence russ, severian, etc.) doesn't make you a nOOb or whatever. I mean, its YOUR fan fiction.
9:05 pm | July 15, 2004
I think it was ok, since this is a fiction story, you could always add something such as he was a Spartan I or whatever with a missing memory or something wonderfully cheesy.
The Author
2:29 pm | July 15, 2004
You guys are right. 1 Marine could never take on a thousand grunts. I don't think I will write any more to this series. But besides the idea of 1 marine taking on 1000 grunts. Also about the grammar what should I do to improve. I want to learn to become better at writing. I am a noob yes to answer to whoever was talking about noobs, but I still want to learn. Can n e one help?
7:53 am | July 15, 2004
Not to run into a "OMG WTF MI BEST MOMUNT WUZ DIZ!" moment, I'll focus on the storyline.

It took MC and his team a full morning to prep for the battle of a thousand Grunts. They laid out a spiderweb pattern of mines, and attacked while the Grunts were sleeping. One Spartan fired four rockets into the tight pack of snoozing Grunties, and the rest opened fire with assault weapons. After the skirmish started, they still had to run away later.

So, one Marine could NOT take on a thousand Grunts, no matter what fantasy world you live on.
Nick Kang
1:17 am | July 15, 2004
Well on TaR, My five Marines took down a single Grunt in about five seconds, not counting on a Ghost or with sniper rifles.
Finest moment: When I first played PoA on Legendary, I took out two Grunts and had one Marine with me. The Marines threw a grenade, which set off the dead Grunts' grenades and engulfed the entire hallway, taking down four Elites and a whole mess o- Grunts.

But a thousand of them is a little too much-
1:12 am | July 15, 2004
-although if he was Master Chief, then just maybe...

A small group of grunts are pretty deadly-
1:12 am | July 15, 2004
1:08 am | July 15, 2004
I definitely disagree with that, Nick. On AOCTR, in Legendary, after you get off the tank and take out everything before going in the door, I sniped one elite to death, and let my five surviving marines deal with the survivng red elite... with sarge handling a sniper rifle, they took care of it pretty quickly.

I've seen marines at times drive a ghost, too, so they aren't all that bad. Best moment? When I saw a single marine duel a red elite. They ducked and weaved around a tree for like three minutes before going down... The marine, that is.
Dave Luck
6:27 pm | July 14, 2004

Yup. Some grammical improvements would be appreciated.

- Dave.
Noobasaurus Rex
12:18 pm | July 14, 2004
Honestly, some grammar might help...and please, make it a tad bit more realistic? The MC woulda maybe had some trouble with 1000 Grunts...Jeez, and Grunts carry Fuel Rod Cannons too...

Rex (Jess)
Nick Kang
12:05 pm | July 14, 2004
Come on, man. On Legendary, which the war is based off, it takes five Marines five seconds to take out a single Grunt...one Marine could not take down 1000 Grunts...he would be dead before he even removed the safety from his gun.

6:00 am | July 14, 2004
A single marine can kill 1000 grunts if he takes on each grunt in a 1 on 1 deathmatch on easy difficulty. His health has to regenerate over time though...
1:26 am | July 14, 2004
How is it possible for one to take on 1000 grunts. Honestly, three grunts would be enough trouble for one marine. If you don't believe me play halo sometime and just watch the marines fight and don't interfere or anything. You'll be suprised how small groups of grunts can take out a single marine.
7:01 pm | July 13, 2004
Wow.That's some of the best use of code I've seen since the n0ob Invasion began.
