
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Old Style: Fear'

7:47 pm | December 24, 2003
ah sorry you havent beaten it have you?
7:47 pm | December 24, 2003
*beats head on wall* sorry sorry sorry
5:39 pm | December 24, 2003
But it kinda sucked since it told you everyone was dead in the end. It's like...well thanks for blowing the game fucker.
3:17 pm | December 24, 2003
yea mona is dead now though DEAD ALL DEAD!! wait thats sad, oh yea its Max Payne 2
5:21 am | December 24, 2003
I didn't really like anyone except good ole' Mona. Oh yea!
2:33 am | December 24, 2003
Cognitti? lol its Gotnitti but yea he got blown up I didn't feel for him cause he tried to kill me in one and when I came to help vlad (who I also now hate) in two
2:10 am | December 24, 2003
I liked Max Payne, but a wee too much stories in some parts.

Poor Vinnie Cognitti.

Anyway, keep writing. I like it.

Just de-sloppify it, and we'll be great.
11:33 pm | December 23, 2003
i hate dial up i need a job and school sucks there i said it
11:23 pm | December 23, 2003
bah i played sc for 2 hours.... or more not really sure hard to tell without a clock but still ah well guess ill just start writing... meanies
8:55 pm | December 23, 2003
well im gonna work on part four after some sc. post any suggestions.
8:51 pm | December 23, 2003
yea... Max Payne 2 is awesome, one of the reasons took me so long to put out part two. Pirate was in part one Mainevent
7:25 pm | December 23, 2003
It was alright. Not as good as the others though, not for me at least.

Who is Pirate? I never read about him before.

And it was a little too fast paced. Slow it down some. The mood was set, but the fast pace and sloppy spelling/grammar sorta brought it down for me.

"Logic told me to get out. Logic told me to run. Logic was a bitch."

Someone been playing Max Payne 2? lol
