
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Last of a Dying Breed-One Night'

1:39 am | November 27, 2003
In response to:hornet34
11:59 pm | November 26, 2003
Alrigtht, I've finished the next chapter. One more edit, and I'll submit. Hopefully it'll make it with the next batch. If anyone is interested in doing a little pre-testing of these in the future so I can work with a little feedback, it would be much appreciated.
9:27 pm | November 26, 2003
I personally do not like Dune. I could never really get into it.

Recommendation: Read the Ilium. It's an awesome book. I forgot who it is by, 'cause it has been a while since I've read it, but it's an amazing read.
9:24 pm | November 26, 2003
nice short story. Good to have you back.
7:29 pm | November 26, 2003
LOL, I meant my story, not the Simarillion. The Simarillion is a tough book to read, I kind of skimmed parts because I was in a rush to read other things. I'll have to give it a more thourough reading when I go home in a couple weeks.
5:55 pm | November 26, 2003
Well, I've read about half of the Silmarillion. Happy Thanksgiving to you, too.
3:44 pm | November 26, 2003
P.S. Have a Happy Thanksgiving

And is anyone writing a Halo Thanksgiving? I'm sure someone will.
3:40 pm | November 26, 2003
Ah, you compare it to Tolkein and you haven't even read it? How can I live up to such expectations. LOL. I've about got the next chapter done. No word on when the satire will be finished, but I'm in no rush to get that one out.
2:10 am | November 25, 2003
Shortish, but alright. You could go somewhere with it. Depending on which direction you take it.
2:05 am | November 25, 2003
Ah, intelligent pleasure. Perhaps even measuring up to that of Dune or the Silmarillion? Time will tell.
1:41 am | November 25, 2003
O.K., you have me convinced that I should turn this into a series, but as for now I need a "proof-reader/outside opinion" to comment on a satire that I've written. It's not your normal fanfic, but for the educated I believe it will be quite a treat. Anyone interesed? Must be a serious inquiry. Walker? Hope against hope Wado would look at this. Anyone know how to contact him? Anyone interested though though, leave a message, you know where to find me.
1:23 am | November 25, 2003
Excellent. And, I might add, quite original.

I did notice one grammar problem, though: The absence of question marks in a lot of questions. Don't forget those ol' bean.

And like Walker said, it did kinda' seem like "Last of the Breed," but not all that much.

You should make this a series. It would be pretty good.
CoLd BlooDed
11:44 pm | November 24, 2003
This was a good story, and if you want you should definiantly turn this into a series. One thing I noticed was that you put periods instead of question marks when someone asked something.
11:42 pm | November 24, 2003
nicely done

BTW I like the humor
11:35 pm | November 24, 2003
Hmm, I never read that, but it sounds good. I'm actually reading "The Jungle" by Upton Sinclair right now.

I'm still not sure if I'm going to turn this into a series, I've got a great idea for a satire that I want to write.
11:01 pm | November 24, 2003
I think this should definitely become a series. I liked the idea, even though it did seem similar in many ways to L'amour's "Last of the Breed" about how a fighter pilot, shot down over Russia, survives the weather and enemy patrols by coming to terms with his Sioux heritage. But anyway, it was good.

Semper Fi

6:27 pm | November 24, 2003
O.K. I wanted to make this longer, but I was just too tempted to submit new work and be publishing again. Also, I wanted to get the general reaction before I decided to leave this as an isolated story or turn it into a series. Hope you liked it.
