
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Grunt thirst'

11:38 am | April 27, 2003
maybe diablo's grunty grape drink can satisfy the thirst. well there are errors scattered throughout and it was rough. i think a story about a grunt is pretty cool though but honestly i cant imagine a grunt tall enough to fire an anti-personnel weapon from the back of a vehicle.
3:50 am | April 26, 2003
I had a hard time grasping the concept that this single grunt is kicking all this ass, while carrying a plasma pistol, a feul rod cannon, and a knife. I've never given a score before, but shamefully, I must: 4/10
3:00 am | April 26, 2003
No fair. I thought he would be the black grunt in the Maw, that is friendly to you. You know in the tunnle.
James Kinsella
9:50 pm | April 25, 2003
Believability was way out there. You need to [indent], and you need to check the grammar. Sorry, but it only gets a 6/10.
9:05 pm | April 25, 2003
These battle tactics are highly unlikely for a Grunt.
3:41 pm | April 25, 2003
The thought of a grunt bitting off a human ear is kinda strange but it was a good idea.
