
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Shadows of Archon II (part 34) - Behind the Scenes, and on the Set'

7:54 pm | February 20, 2004
Ha funny thing is, i DID write a type of murder mystery, check it out it's titled "Halo: Law and Order"
8:39 pm | November 26, 2003
Could be the best comedy out there, then again, you guys write the best stuff of any genre anyway. I know, try a murder mystery, err, no, thats stupid, I'll just shut up now.
the oyster
6:59 pm | September 22, 2003
was Zax related to Max?
6:59 pm | July 18, 2003
Wado and diablo an unstoppable pair kudos I give u kudos!
9:20 pm | March 23, 2003
Weird? Yes. Bad? Nah
8:55 pm | January 31, 2003
That was weird.
1:32 am | January 22, 2003
it is kyleyearman@yahoo.com
5:23 am | January 20, 2003
awsome, I'll look forward to reading it! Good luck! btw, what's your email adress?
11:55 pm | January 17, 2003
Hey El_Halo_Diablo, I am gonna take your advice and I am thinking about posting my own story here. I am gonna write during school next week, and hopefully post it sometime next week. Wish me luck ;D
10:39 pm | January 14, 2003
eh, that made it more the funny. :D
12:24 pm | January 14, 2003
Yeah, I even forgot to answer the last question to me...lol.
10:36 pm | January 13, 2003
Ah yes, but you were the one who came up with the idea, and you answered the questions to you almost perfectly. ...socks, heh heh.
5:35 pm | January 13, 2003
Diablo should get the credit for this part. I'm just along for the ride. Thanks anyway.
Mutated Elite
12:31 pm | January 13, 2003
Louis Wu's IQ is 4? ROTFLOL!!!! Man, Louie is gonna be pissed.
2:39 am | January 13, 2003
the series was long and satisfying.Keep it up wado.
8:35 pm | January 12, 2003
12:42 pm | January 12, 2003
Insert sarcasm here-
6:45 am | January 12, 2003
this was real funny. and classic. good luck on ur next series wado
5:46 am | January 12, 2003
Thanks Diablo. Good work.
4:45 am | January 12, 2003
Funny!!!!!!!!!!!!Even though I didn't read the SoA series I had to read this.Hey diablo you should be happy your story insperid some writers.
4:02 am | January 12, 2003
Thanks, I can't belive how many fan fics there are submitted, whats with the sudden pour-in of through soldiers eyes crap right after I wrote Mendoza's Diary? I thought that one guy was just kidding when he said all he would do is now write stuff like that. arrg...
8:50 pm | January 11, 2003
great but you really shold of had el halo diablo beat the MC
8:39 pm | January 11, 2003
*laughs* Well, that was different! I must admit, i didn't expect anyone to do something like this, man! Very original!
6:20 pm | January 11, 2003
pretty gewd
