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Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Cry for a Hero part 6: End is Near'

2:13 am | August 25, 2002
lol dude forget it, it was in the part before this one, I made a mistake and I can see that now thxs. oh btw this title was supposed to be: Part 6: Screwed. I wanted it to be screwed because it looks like I'll be extending my series lol. I went on a long boring hike, and to pass the time, I thought up the entire rest of this series LMAO. So get ready for the next ones to blow you away!
2:15 pm | August 24, 2002
Oh ok, you could of said you had the luck of chucking the nade in the cannon, and blowning it up from the inside with major exsplosions from the shells
12:27 pm | August 24, 2002
Jay your probably right about the whole scorpion thingy, but havent you noticed, in my stories, things die alot easier(I dont know why, mabye im too lazy to say that my hero lobbed grenade after grenade after grenade to blow a small chunk out of it. but really it doesn't matter cause that was in the part before, lol.
12:23 pm | August 24, 2002
no problem, my story I kinda made short since my mom was gunna pull the power cord on the computer, so I made it short and left it with a good ending, but really not what I planned to be an ending.
3:11 am | August 24, 2002
god damn computer made me send it again. Vero im working on Titan right now. The Hell Of War ended since the main character died. Im planing on making a few spinoffs from the remaining "living characters" and even one of them are in my latest series. Sry bout posting this in your comments el_diablo_halo
2:58 am | August 24, 2002
That was interesting and needed to be a bit longer, now back to my other argument. Fragmentation Grenades do not have the power to blow a Scorpian in half. Yeah it might damage the bottom enough. Maybe tanks from WWII the frags would break through the bottom, but you have to remember Scorpians are made with Titanium not just steel. Understand
2:58 am | August 24, 2002
That was interesting and needed to be a bit longer, now back to my other argument. Fragmentation Grenades do not have the power to blow a Scorpian in half. Yeah it might damage the bottom enough. Maybe tanks from WWII the frags would break through the bottom, but you have to remember Scorpians are made with Titanium not just steel. Understand
2:58 am | August 24, 2002
Complete lockdown!~~~~sounds sweet! This stiry was definatly shorter than the others! But at least the traitors were out of the way! By the way when are you going to write the Mis-Adventures of the master chief again? And another thing: Hey jaywit, are you going write more of that series?
1:32 am | August 24, 2002
The suspense! GAAAH!...Ok now that we've passed that outburst... DIE TRAITOR!!! NYA!!! oh and uh.. you shoulda made it longer, bad idea to bring on 'the half master plan' too fast
