
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'The Battle for Ardent'

Arthur Wellesly
8:53 pm | March 26, 2003
Dispraiser, this new form doesn't seem to allow indenting, so you can hardly blame him for that... as for some of your other comments, I think you're being a little harsh... I quite liked this story. Keep writing, Corey, I'll keep reading them!
3:54 am | March 25, 2003
Nothing really to say about this one... Maybe among the first to use Brutes... No indent tags... Also, your ilttle statement at the top pissed me off. Had it been spelled right and carried proper capitalization of words I would have ignored it, but that dragged it into the "Pisses off Dispraiser" zone.

-No [indent] tags
-Capitalization issues
-Spelling issues
-Opening "I am a noob, so hurt me" statement pisses me off
+Decent style... I suppose, at least consistent...
+Paragraphs use *GASP* Right!
+Nice little fighter intro...
10:48 pm | March 24, 2003
Well new authors and more new authors this place is swarming. Nice job corey not bad a few slight errors but overall pretty sweet keep it coming!!!
1:30 am | March 24, 2003
I know what you mean Sarge. its a covie ship its firing oh no.......................................................... Hey where'd he go?

Anyway remember a new paragraph everytime someone different talks.
9:54 pm | March 23, 2003
Its a covvie ship its firing oh no... okay that made me laugh its like... I don't know.
