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Fan Fiction

The Battle For Sigma Octanus Chapter 1 surprise attack
Posted By: moniter101<wasup1989@hotmail.com>
Date: 4 February 2003, 12:29 am

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(Sigma Octanus UNSC military base 05:00 hours)

      Sergeant Bryan Stacker wiped away the beads of sweat running from his pores. He walked past the marine barracks and entered the command building. Stacker came to a short man wearing a dress uniform. "Anything colonel" he asked? "Not a thing Sergeant"
      Colonel Jim Smith answered. "How much longer are we gonna be here my men are tired of this damn heat" Stacker said. I know command said that if anything doesn't show up for the next couple a days then they'll transfer us to hopefully to an ice planet''. Well sir I'll tell the men and we'll stay battle ready until that transfer comes" Stacker said. He saluted and exited the building.
      "Anything Harrell" Smith asked. "Nothing sir wait it looks like a ghost" Corporal Nick Harrell said as he looked through a pair of high powered binoculars. "How far out". "About 300 yards to the west." Smith picked up a pair of binoculars to have a look for himself. Sure enough a ghost floated along the landscape manned by an elite. He looked at the ghost for several seconds. "Sound the alarm I want a patrol to take that out" He ordered Harrell.
      Stacker was slowly eating a ration bar when the alarm sounded. He threw down the ration bar and ran to the command center. When he got there the place was busy with movement. "What the hell is going on" he asked Smith? There's a ghost 300 yards to the west it could be a scout for a patrol were sending two warthogs to take it out." Smith said. Stacker looked out the window to see two warthogs racing towards the ghost.
      Corporal Mat Stanford sat in the passenger seat of the second warthog. "Stop here" He said to the driver. He gave the same order to the other warthog. The hog screeched to a halt. "Sir we're about 100 yards from the target eliminating it now" He said into his comm Link. "Roger that" Smith's voice crackled over the static.
      "Murphy use a jackhammer." Stanford said. Private Kevin Murphy nodded and jumped out of the first hog. He took a knee and aimed. The jackhammer rocket launcher jerked Murphy back as the projectile raced towards the ghost. There was a brilliant flash as the ghost exploded sending parts of the elite flying into the air. "Nice shot" Stanford said to Murphy.
      Suddenly the first warthog disappeared in a bright green flash. Immediately Stanford knew what it was. The Banshee swooped around for another gun run. "Where the hell did that come from" Murphy yelled. The Banshee fired a salvo of plasma bolts at the remaining warthog. Murphy was hit in the chest sending blood into the air. Private Cameron Wilson fired at the Banshee with the 50 caliber three barreled gatling machine gun. The tracers burned through the air but missed the Banshee. Only a few rounds hit it doing minimal damage. Wilson was hit in the shoulder and neck burning through his artery. Blood sprayed from his neck. Wilson gave a blood choked gasp and fell from the back of the warthog. Stanford was covered in Wilson's blood. "Drive damn it, drive get us back to the Base" He screamed at the driver. But the driver was hit in the head spattering blood and brain matter onto the windshield. The Banshee swerved around for another gun run.
      The Banshee erupted into a ball of flame and fell from the sky. Stanford looked above to see a Longsword fighter race overhead. "Thank god" He thought. But the Longsword began to smoke. "Holy crap there's about a thousand of those grunt things and those elites and jackals comin straight at you" the pilot said. "Can you provide air support until we can get an evac" He said. "Negative were takin heavy enemy fire we can barley stay
      Airborne can you get that hog back to base." "Negative the axles broken and I think I'm the only one capable of moving." He said. "Roger good luck buddy" the pilot radioed back.
      Stanford got out and picked up his MA5B assault rifle. He took aim at the hill where the covenant would be coming from. Several grunts came into view. He began picking off targets. Fluorescent blood stained the landscape as grunt after grunt fell. He reloaded and opened up with full auto fire. Several elites came and returned fire.
      Stanford was hit in the leg. He screamed in pain. An elite ran up to him and whacked him with the butt of its plasma pistol. Stanford's vision blurred he felt a burning sensation in his stomach the last thing he saw were thousands of grunts running past him in the direction of the base then all went black.

To Be Continued ...
