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Session 01: Ground Funk
Posted By: Vi3tl3l3oi 023<aznintegra023@yahoo.com>
Date: 10 September 2003, 2:52 AM
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Ground Warfare 101
Session 01: Ground Funk
Author's Note: In all of my writings, either Lotr or Halo, I haven't ever tried this before. But i am now, after watching Cowboy Bebop hundreds and hundreds of times over. I decided to make, hmm... a Bebop scene mixed with the genocidal hate that the Uruk-hai had during the Two Towers. I've decided to warp that into a Halo themed mix, Ground Warfare 101, which is the war on the ground against the Covenant hordes on Earth. Each Session would have a tactical drift to it, which is somewhat strategic and will have sometimes two points to it.
Now without any further ado...
Session 01: Ground Funk
Briefing: "Alright listen! You maggots! This op is to gain reconassaince about the location of a Covenant CCS. Now this bitch has been pinned down hard by our artillery fire by the 55th Armored Calavary. Command's ordering us to move in and take out the sentinels in the area and create a drop zone for the SEALS." The Commander yelled loudly as he opened up the m ap so the whole Warthog squadron could see. The land had uneven hills around it, while it had a straight flat valley beneath it, which made it visible for the Covenant sentinels to find out about the positions. There were two Covenant checkpoints in the area, one a mile away from the downed CCS and the gravity lift, right beneath the beast. The other sides were already being watched, since the Covenant had deployed small teams of Hunters patrolling the area. There are at most one way in, but with extreme caution. First was the quick and easy way, which would be a fast quick and run through the Hunter teams, with one Warthog going against the eastern side, catching all of the Hunter team's attention. From there the Warthog will turn back towards the other three Hogs, who would now let the first Warthog pass by and accelerate, proving a affective way of destroying the Hunters.
From there the Warthogs would now hold out until the Pelicans landed in the area and gain pasage to the entrance of the CCS, while the checkpoint is destroyed by the SAM equipped Warthogs, while the other Warthogs had the the newer version of LAAGs equipped. This would prove easy and effective, taking down another CCS in the area, while the remaining Covenant forces in the area would be destroyed, claiming another UNSC victory.
"Got that shit, boys?! We pull out at night!"
- - - Phase 01 Objective: Diversion tech- take all hunter teams to ::Waypoint Alpha:: Pull back to main squad, commence with operation from there.
"This shit is stupid..." Lieutenant Johhny Rocks yawned. He hated doing Ops at night, but it would be for a good cause. The human race surviving and an extra hundreds bucks for the year, and of course drinks at the bar. He grabbed his NVG(Night Vision Goggles) on and watched as his crew got on. He had been with these people for a whole year and he knew them well. Bobby Jones, the passenger man was one of the best in the squad for orders and faced paced situations to divert attention. Billy Bob, or Teh Bob was the gunner of the group, taking out at most 12 Banshees in the Battle of the Philipines last year. "Yo... get your asses moving. Remember Bob, don't fire from a distance."
"I kno... I kno... geez." Bob sighed. He grasped the triggers and smiled. The new LAAGs were much more advanced and had a radar attached to it. It also had a portable RL launcher attached to it. What much more fun way to cause havoc upon the Covenant. And there were also four ARs situated in the area. This was a heavenly machine, Bob thought as the Warthog, 'Screw You Covies' began to move. He adjusted the range modifier to his liking and opened the control panel. He smiled and opened the OS, and began to rotate the ARs situated on the bottom. Bob added the target meter on the Hunters and added for the back of the beast or its neck.
"Hey everyone... I'll buy you a beer if any of you take out at least four hunters." Sergeant Micheals said over the COMM channel.
"HELL YEA! YOU'RE ON! Oh crap... in position, firing range good. Bob!" Johhny yelled as he accelerated and watched as Bob began to rotate the LAAG and watched as hundreds of LAAG rounds ripped through the ground, while the SYC slammed into one of the Hunters. One of the Hunters retaliated with a round, missing the Warthog by five feet, while made the SYC rock. "DAMN! CLOSE! How far are we from the others?!"
"Not that far! Bob! Let me see your RL!" yelled Jones. He saw the RL being dropped to him and he smiled. He hooked the long connection chord up to the laptop and began looking at the navigation system. "Four Hunter teams closing in! The 55th's artilleries are taking them out. We have two more Hunter's left!"
"Good! TAKE THAT BITCH OUT!" Jones smiled and watched as the crosshairs landed on the Hunter. He braced for the shot and pressed the trigger. He was as a large explosion rocked through the night, destroying the Hunter team. "HELL YEA! I GET TEH BEER!"
"Damn... well... get your asses back to formation. Time to clear the drop zone." Sergeant Michaels sighed as he sat in the passenger seat. He didn't get no action yet but he would soon. Another twenty of thirty bucks wasted on the beers again. He smiled. "Alright. Let's go."
"Remain a steady and fast movement and gunners watch out for anything suspicious." Sergeant Michaels began. He looked up in the distance. There were at least two dropships in the distance. So they noticed the assault. Heh... this was going to be a piece of cake. Michaels grabbed his modified AK and saw that there were at least six grunts in the distance. "All gunners get ready to fire on target, Unit 01. Get ready to take out the Phantoms."
"HELL YEA!" Johnny yelled as he swirved to avoid a plasma grenade. He watched as Bob let the LAAG loose and watched as the two Covenant squads fell to the ground, littered in holes. Now it was time for the Phantom dropships in the distance, hiding behind the hills. If only there were the two Pelicans in the area right now, this would be easier.
"Two Phantoms at 3'0 clock. Bob... Jones. Can you nick them?"
"FUCK YEA! THAT"S EASY SHIT!" Bob yelled as he he looked at the navigation system. So far the Phantoms were behind one of the hills, trying to evade the SYC. He pressed the OS and grabbed the control panel and started to type in the acess codes for the PMG(Plasmatic Machine Gun) rounds into the LAAG. He waited for a split second and looked through the crosshairs. THey locked onto one of the Phantoms and he smiled as he pressed the trigger. Thousands of small explosive bullets rammed into the Phantom, being undetectable on enemy sensors and were deadly to any pilot.
"One down!" Bob yelled gleefully as the Phantom began to billow the skies with smoke and fire as it landed to the ground, and finally exploded. Jones began to type on the laptop for the coordinates for the RL's rockets. He glanced at the ammo count. He had only one PC(Plasmatic Charge) left. He watched as the coordinates began to pinpoint the location of the Phantom ahd he fired the PC, watching as it slammed into the cockpit and saw a charred body of a Elite fall onto the ground.
"Op complete. How's it going over there?" Jones asked as he watched Johnny turn around and revved the Warthog up and began to accelerate towards the evac point. He saw in the distance four or five Pelican dropships on the ground, with the SEALs running from the cargo doors. Bob smiled and saw that the door would take a while for the SEALS blasted open the door, watching as a squad of Hunters trying to break their way through. It was pointless as Johnny watched the SEALS get out the way as he rammed into the Hunters, yawning as he turned around and watched as more Covenant began to run towards the door. But Bob began to rotate the turret towards the door. "They never know when to give up..."
- - - - - - - - - Phase 01 Complete Casualties: 0 Covenant casualties: 50 - Objective: Diversion tech- take all hunter teams to ::Waypoint Alpha:: Pull back to main squad, commence with operation from there. complete complete - - - - - - - - -
well... here's the first chapter of Ground Warfare 101. Hoped you like it.
The SEALS are ready to move in and the Unit 5121 is ready move out. But it seems that the CCS is actually hiding something that can turn the tide of the war for neither and cause the return of old friends...
NEXT Session: Blowout
"I wonder if there's other gay bots like that..."