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SNIPER, Part Three
Posted By: Vege7a<jaktal@bellsouth.net>
Date: 21 August 2003, 12:59 AM
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Sorry I took so long on this one, I was real busy...so...here it is,:
/Grid:E773/UNSC Military base/Planet Encipher/0800 hours/
2 months later:
I stood on the rooftop, I was doing my job, I was having fun; I was hunting. I saw my target, and brought my rifle to bear, the figure in my sights didn't know, that I was a trigger pull away from his death, and my 50 grand. I was about to silence him forever when I heard,: "Get up ya' stupid fucks!"
I awoke with a start. The Sarge was yelling at us to get out of bed. So we did. We put on our combat gear, grabbed a few weapons, and headed to the training grounds to do what we'd been doing every day for the last 2 months,: push-ups, sit-ups, crunches, laps, and every other kind of physical workout you can think of.
Then we headed to the combat sim,: a simulator that creates missions for us to practice. Then we headed to the cafeteria to get some chow. Me and Kelly got our daily serving of shit and sat down to eat. "'Sup dawgs." a hispanic dude sat down at our table. "Hey Perez." I said. "What was your score in the sim today?" Perez asked, "77," I said, "Yours?" "I got 60, how 'bout you Kelly?" "100." "WHAT THE FUCK?!" "Jesus you're good!" "I know." Kelly replied, smiling slightly. "Oh I just remembered." Perez said, "The Sarge told me that Major Vilis wants to see us three in his office after lunch." "In his office?" I said, "What does he want us there for?" "Sarge didn't say, just for us to go there." "Well let's haul ass. This may be our first mission."
When we entered Major Vilis' office he was sitting at his desk, talking to Captain Barnun. We saluted them both, "At ease, and sit your asses down." Vilis said, "Okay soldiers! I think it's time you make yourselves useful. Our boys over at the city of Ganta are in heavy combat with the Covenant. And although Encipher isn't a high priority target for the Covies they have placed one of their Cruisers a few hundred meters above the ground not too far from Ganta, and are unloading a shit-load of troops and vehicles, getting ready to attack Ganta. We don't have enough troops that are close enough to Ganta to send them in, guns blazing. That's why we need you. A single sniper can kill 10 Covies with one shot, without giving away their position. That's exactly what we need,: a quick and deadly strike team. I want you three to go and find a few other snipers to take with you, Captain Barnun will get a couple Warthogs ready for you, at the gate. I want you to go to Ganta, and kill as many Covies as you can, and save as many Marines as you can. Now move out!"
We had picked a few other snipers, and met Captain Barnun at the main gate in 7 minutes flat. I took driver in one of the Warthogs, Captain Barnun drove the other, Kelly took the side seat of mine, and Perez took the gun. The others took the remaining seats.
We put our 'Hogs in gear and zoomed off across the grassy plain, towards the blip on our radars that marked the location of Ganta. As we got closer we could make out the Covie Cruiser and the hundreds of troops and vehicles below it. "Holy shit!" Perez said when he saw it, "How the hell are we gonna' kill all of those?"
We drove past the Cruiser and into the city. We parked our 'Hogs in the garage of the main Military building, and got out. Me, Kelly, and Perez walked to the rooftop, while Captain Barnun and the rest of the snipers stayed inside with the other Marines.
I zoomed in on the Covie Cruiser. The troops were moving towards the city at alarming speed. They must have seen us pass in our Warthogs. I took aim and fired four rounds, 10 Covies fell, in their own blood.
Then Perez and Kelly opened fire. BLAM, BLAM, BLAM, BLAM! Several more Covenant troops fell.
But the others kept on coming, trampling the dead. There was a mettalic CLUNK! as the main blast gates that had been installed in the city closed. A group of Marines got up on top of the gates, while the rest stood behind it, ready for the moment when the Covenant broke through.
The Covenant troops began pounding the gates with plasma, while the Marines returned fire. Then the Wraiths began firing. In a few moments the blast gates were incenerated and the Covies poured into the city.
It was absoloute madness, there were just too many Covies. The Military building that Perez, Kelly, and I stood on was now full of injured Marines. And there were plenty of dead ones outside.
I turned to Kelly and Perez, and said, "Stay here and help tend to the wounded." I knew what I had to do. They nodded at me and ran inside. I looked over the side of the 4-story building, braced myself, and jumped off into the fray.
I landed with a thud on the concrete. A startled Elite roared at me and charged. I charged back, and just as we were about to collide, I side-stepped and stabbed him in the back of the head with my Combat Knife.
I then pulled out my Battle Rifle and got to work. Blowing the hell out of any Covie that got in my way. I made my way through the battle, to an un-manned Ghost, and hauled ass toward the Cruiser.
I saw what I was looking for,: the grav-lift. I drove into it and was lifted up into the ship. I felled a few startled Elites when I got in the ship and ran down a hallway. I got very lucky and stumbled on the bridge.
There was only a single Gold Elite standing on the platform in the middle of the room, I guessed that was because most of the troops had been sent down to the surface. This must be the Ship Master. I walked up behind him and put my Pistol to his head, and said, "Surrender you bastard." He then activated his Plasma Sword and shook me off before I could fire.
He roared,: "You will perish by my Sword!" in very bad english, and swung at me. I side-stepped just in time, grabbed his wrist, and broke it. He roared in pain and dropped his Plasma Sword. I picked it up and held it at his throat. He said,: "Curse you and your species!" and I cut his head off. A fountain of purple blood squirted out of his throat as he fell.
I de-activated the Sword and put it on my grenade belt. "Zagan, Zagan, are you there?" I heard through a tranciever on the control panel, It was in english because of my implants. I walked over to the tranciever and said,: "You will all rot in hell you bastards!" and hit a few buttons on the control panel.
The words,: firing torpedoes, self-destruct sequence engaged. Scrolled across a holo-panel. "Oh fuck!" I said and ran like hell to the hangar. ,[I knew where it was because I saw a map on the holo-panel,]
I opened the shuttle bay door and hopped in a Banshee. As I was flying toward the city I activated my radio and said to Captain Barnun,: "Get the hell inside and underground, 'cause the ship's about to blow, and there's Plasma Torpedoes headed your way!" There was a crackle and I heard Captain Barnun's voice over the sound of battle,: "What the? How the? Well, I'll take your word for it Tallent." I then landed the Banshee on top of the main Military building, and got out.
I walked down to the basement and saw that the others were already there. BOOM! A plasma Torpedo hit ground above. Screams of dying Covenant could be heard as they were blasted by their own Torpedoes. There were a few more Torpedo explosions and then, BLAAAAMMMMMM!!!!!!! "That mus've been the Cruiser." commented Captain Barnun. "Jesus fucking Christ Tallent! How the hell did you pull THAT off? I guess you can explain later, we gotta' haul ass back to the base!"
/2 hours later/in Major Vilis's office/
"Okay," Major Vilis said, "Let me get this straight Tallent. You boarded a Covenant Cruiser, killed the Ship Master, fired a few torpedoes, set the self-destruct sequence, hijacked a Banshee and saved everyone in Ganta, BY YOUR SELF?" "Yes sir." I replied. "Then I was right..." Vilis said,"Son, I did some research on you while you were gone, and I've found out something very interesting...I know what you were before you joined the Marine Corps. son...you were a Bounty Hunter."
Ahh, SUSPENSE! Hehe lol. Once again, any comment would be greatly apprecieated, I can't learn from my mistakes if you don't point them out to me, and I would love compliments too. :]