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Fan Fiction

The End
Posted By: Tsuranuku<tsuranuku@msn.com>
Date: 30 April 2003, 12:39 AM

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For all time; vigilant and downtrodden. In it's terminal episode peak for existence; the great eternal struggle plagues the code.
For no reconciliation can be sought; the end will be in blood.
May it go to it's last hope, it's heroic son, the legendary warrior of present future.
Stay forthright, everlasting in the exceptional valiancy of the combatant, war is definition and the contest for the future peace.
Domination, unification, order. Life sees this, brothers in arms, pacifists thinking of what lies ahead, warriors in the now. Fight and live for the acendtion into the greater good.
Into the unknown we will be prepared for the unexpected and the last battle, of the definition; to toughen and strengthen them, the awkward and unlikely creature.
Good always historically has triumphed. Who's powers are influenced by such a force known as good will be determined.
The sword is he, the one who has excelled and survived will be the last.
