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Scope (Chapter 6, When it All Went to Hell)
Posted By: The Silver Spartan<Crazy_Carl_6@hotmail.com>
Date: 6 December 2004, 10:55 PM
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Chapter 6, When it All Went to Hell
Author's Note: I am NOT new to FanFic, I just haven't posted in like 6 months so If you haven't read the other chapters of Scope I strongly suggest you do so, as this story will make a LOT more sense. And yes I did change a few things from previous chapters so don't yell at me lol. I recognize a bunch of Authors from the 'Old Days' Like Nick Kang, Mind_Affecting_Parasite, c0ld Blooded, Jillybean, etc. Glad you are still posting. Any of you remember me?
0900 Hours, September 26, 2552 (Military Calendar) / Loctn: In a Valley, 28.4 km west UNSC Base / (Compound 022) Off. Des. (Alpha 2, Located / (Inner Colony 18), (Planet Tylon)
The remaining survivors from the demolished Headquarters of Alpha 2 stood helplessly as a large purple-blue plasma bomb drifted closer to their position. Their trance was broken when Staff Sergeant Diego Sanchez yelled: "Don't just stand there, fucking move!" They all scrambled out of the way, they had just enough time, as the mortar incinerated a large tree and all of their recently acquired vehicles.
Diego ran blindly away from the big ball of death as it descended on their precious vehicles they had just found, he had almost jumped in the 'Hog and tried to save it, but common sense got the better of him. He got about fifty feet away when he was knocked off his feet; he flew through the air and landed on his stomach a few meters further up. "Uff!" Diego snorted as he hit the ground, he picked up his head and gasped for air a few seconds later, but got nothing. Damn, I can't breathe! was what was running through his head when Troy roughly hauled him up. Troy yelled something at him that was lost in the noise of the fires left by the Wraith. Diego tried to yell "What?" but instead he gagged and fell over trying to get air. Troy got an understanding look on his face and Motioned for PFC Deptula to help him; they scooped him up and ran towards the hill where Diego and Corporal Moore were earlier. Oh shit! Where's Moore?" Diego thought, he was starting to panic. "Wh- s- Mre?" Diego stuttered. Shawn figured out what Diego said and nodded.
"Josh and Whaling are helping him up, he got tagged by some shrapnel when he was running. Oh and, Josh, Schalcom, and Whaling are fine, but Kevin didn't make it." Shean always put things bluntly, and this was a prime example. They got to the top of the ridge a few seconds after the others. Troy and Shean dropped Diego next to the Corporal and ran off to the edge to see where the surprise attack had come from. Diego turned and looked at Mike, he had gotten his voice back.
"Are you okay?" Diego said between gasps. Mike nodded and motioned to his throat, apparently he couldn't talk. Diego nodded understandingly. "How does it look?" Mike signaled using standard military hand signals. "Well we lost Kevin and I think our vehicles got fried. So in other words we are FUBAR if the Covies find us." Diego pointed at Mike and said, "At least you still have your shotgun." Diego checked his back and his suspicions were confirmed, his rifle was gone. "Damn! My S3 is gone!" he muttered. Mike shrugged and motioned Diego forward. Diego staggered to his feet with Mike and went over to see what was going on. The group of Marines were kneeling and lying in a semi circle around the LAAG that was positioned at the crest of the ridge while PFC Williams and Corporal Detzel were near the base of the ridge moving silently from shrub to shrub and using their binoculars to see if they could spot the wraith. They gave the all clear and continued across the valley and suddenly hit the dirt. They rolled over back into cover and made their way back up the hill. They were being very careful not to alert the Covenant of their presence so they took a full three minutes to get safely back. Detzel was the first to reach the group.
"The wraith is in the clearing about 500 meters from here, it must have seen the 'Hog and fired on it." Said Josh in a shaky voice. "It's not looking for us anymore though." "Alright, what do you think we should do Colonel?" Asked Schalcom. "We should haul ass out of here, that Wraith sure as hell isn't going to wait until we make our escape to start chasing us. We should leave the LAAG, unless one of you wants to carry it he said in a sarcastic tone. We'll have to head for Armory B4 because we can't make it to those science ships without a Pelican. So we'll head out, have two scouts go 50 meters ahead and keep complete radio silence until we're sure we're out of their range." He said with a hint of uncertainty in his voice. A general murmur of approval went through the group as Steele finished speaking. The group got up and headed due east of Alpha 2. They had barely walked 800 meters along the ridge when they entered a dark grove of dense, moss-covered trees. They plodded on through the darkness slowly, when suddenly a bush sprang to life, revealing three figures with long guns pointed right at them. Everyone hit the dirt before they could open up. "UNSC forces!" said one of the figures in a deep voice. "Friendly!" Yelled Sanchez before anyone made a move. Every one lowered their weapons in sheer relief. He stood up and looked at the mysterious figures. "Perhacs, is that you?" He said in a surprised voice. "Ya its me! You are one lucky bastard, I almost shot you!" he replied and then motioned at the other two people, "This is Corporal Banda and PFC Butler, they are from the Freedom of Liberty. Sergeant Doug Perhacs was also a sniper from alpha 2, and definitely one of the most eccentric people Diego knew. He used to be a first lieutenant until he got in an altercation with the old commander of Alpha 2, Captain Timpson, which resulted in the Captain's pinky finger being bitten off. He wasn't removed from the service because of his abilities with a sniper rifle and the fact that the fight wasn't entirely his fault. Nonetheless he was a very strange and deadly person and would make an excellent addition to the group. Lieutenant Colonel Steele filled the three newcomers in on the plan to escape in the science ship. He was in the middle of a sentence when an extremely loud explosion shook the ground. Everyone looked into the air at once and saw a the Freedom of Liberty explode into a huge rolling cloud of thunder, fire, and shrapnel...
Ikto Lectoramee was laughing to himself. He had just destroyed the human base and would soon lead the other ships in the Imperial Fleet under the joint command of the Unyielding Hierophant to Earth. Nothing would stop the Covenant on their glorious march to salvation. What he hadn't counted on was a very small group of unlikely marine heroes that he had just stranded on planet Tylon. Rupu interrupted his thoughts. "Master, Jaspa Kilomulamee wishes to retrieve the Holy Light and the Fire of the Ancients from the Temple." "Tell him to proceed with utmost caution." Responded Ikto in an irritated voice. Jaspa had obviously picked up on it, as he scurried off to his COMM station. He continued his deep thoughts when Rolla Rugomee shouted, "Human vessel heading towards the rest of the fleet!" Ikto looked at his display at once and saw a ship tagged the "Freedom of Liberty" Rapidly approaching the other ships. They must be suicidal! He thought. They surely know they can't destroy the fleet! Well I might as well fulfill their wish He sighed. This is becoming too easy. "Sir! They have three nuclear warheads armed and ready for detonation!" Screamed Rupu from his display screen. This was not good, three warheads could split any ship in two without a shield, and it was already too late to recharge his. " Get us out of the atmosphere, thrusters full reverse and five turrets one and two NOW!" Yelled Ikto.
Captain Wesson was at his wits end. His ship, the Freedom of Liberty, was one of 21 ships and 8 orbital MAC clusters guarding Planet Tylon, when out of nowhere the Covenant show up with two hundred ships, two hundred. The UNSC had put up a good fight but they never had really stood a chance. All of the other ships had been lost and Alpha 2 had been glassed. Now he and his crew were the only ones with a chance of warning Earth about the gigantic fleet. But his ship had taken a hit in its Slipspace Capacitor and had lost its ability to jump. His COMM SAT had been long fried. He had only 40 Marines left onboard so he had no hope of boarding a Covenant ship. He still had one option that he had been playing over and over in his head, and it was finally starting to set in. He would fly into the middle of the Covenant fleet and take some of them to hell with him. This might shake up the chain of command at least a little, or it might not, either way he was dead and there was no more options. "Sir, the crew wants to know about your decision, they are getting restless." Said Lieutenant Campion. Campion was considered to be the Captain's most valuable asset and his best friend, which was unusual for two offices to be friends in the UNSC. "I'm going to give it to you straight. We have no chance of escaping or winning against the Fleet as you probably know. So this is why you and Lieutenant Kallgren are going to take the last remaining Longsword fighter along with three Marines and jump back to Earth." "But sir, what about you?" "I'm going to go down with the ship and detonate the Shiva's and try to destroy some of their ships. Anyone else in the crew is welcome to try and fly to the surface and survive there." "Sir, may I suggest that I stay and detonate the Shiva's." Put in Hadrian, the ship's AI." "Yes you may but I am going to stay here and you are going to go with Campion and Kallgren. There will be no other way." Both Campion and Hadrian nodded grimly and saluted.
Within five minutes the entire ship's crew had made up its mind about staying or leaving. All of the Marines were to go groundside and try and make it to an armory and escape along with eleven or twelve crewmembers. Everything after this point was a blur for Wesson as he thought about his Wife and child back on Earth and prayed the Covenant would never find them. Two minutes before the Marines and the Longsword departed the Captain opened a COMM channel to Campion. "If you make it back to Earth, tell Alyssa and Charles I love them." He said with all of the strength he could muster. "Of course I will." Came the reply. "Now you take some of those bastards to hell for me." Wesson shut the channel and strapped himself to his station. The rest of the crew had departed so Wesson addressed the remaining officers. "This is it. I thank everyone who decided to stay and greatly owe you all a great deal. Now would be a very good time to become at peace with your maker, were rolling in thirty seconds. Were going to level the playing field a little, and give those alien bastards some thing to remember humanity by!" Cheers went up around the cabin and the Freedom of Liberty accelerated out of hiding and toward the fleet at a blinding pace. When they were in the middle of the highest concentration of ships Wesson hit the detonator. A blinding flash was the last thing they saw. Somewhere harps were playing.
Hope you liked it! :)