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Scope (Chapter 2, All Hell is Released)
Posted By: The Silver Spartan<Crazy_Carl_6@hotmail.com>
Date: 21 February 2004, 6:59 PM
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Chapter 2, All Hell is Released
0142 Hours, September 26, 2552 (Military Calendar) / UNSC Base / (Compound 022) Off. Des. (Alpha 2), Located / (Inner Colony 18), (Planet Tylon)
An electric blue plasma bolt whizzed over Diego's head, singing his hair. It continued on through the early morning dimness and struck the back of his sniper tower, melting and distorting an oval shaped hole right through the once cold metal. The Covenant were here at last.
Staff Sergeant Diego Sanchez and Corporal Michael Moore watched from their tower as Covenant ground forces advanced on the wall. They were gaining ground fast, but taking heavy casualties as they advanced. There were sounds of Battle rifles emitting their sharp crack, Rockets and missiles jetting from their tubes and pods, Assault Rifles ticking off rounds three at a time, and then there was the piercing snap of Diego's S3-AM rifle. "Gold Elite, Gold Elite! Goin' left over near the second ridge!" Diego looked where Corporal Moore had instructed, just to catch a glimpse of the glistening warrior jump behind a tree. "Son of a bitch!" Diego thought, he put a round through the middle of the tree, mainly out of frustration. The bullet pierced the tree with ease and missed the Elite's Needler by inches. The Covenant realized the threat and jumped out behind a pack of Jackals, who had formed their infamous 'shield barrier.' Diego pinched off a shot and missed the Elite by inches. The Jackals advanced forward slowly toward the wall. Diego could see through their semi-transparent shields, and he could just make out at least two or three more Elites and a pair of Hunters.
"Oh no!" If those hunters get to the wall they'll blast right through it!" Mike announced. "I know I'm looking at them now." "Wait I think I know what to do." Just than Diego got an idea. "Here take this." Diego dug through an emergency med-kit and found a Flare gun used to signal where wounded people lay. Diego explained how to use it and handed to the Corporal. "When I tell you to, fire it just to the left of the side of the Jackal's formation, lets see if we can't make some of those bastards flinch."
The flare erupted from the gun and sped to its target, it hit and flashed three blood red flashes, it hit right on target, just to the left of the formation. One Jackal turned just a slight bit...
Snap!!! Diego's shot hit the Jackal in the side it exposed when it had turned. It fell and was shot again by Deigo this time in the head; it fell to the ground lifeless. This left the Jackal with its shield above the dead one vulnerable. By now everyone had seen the flare and started had shooting at the Jackals. The upper one fell and left the left side wide-open; needless to say the sharp shooters in Alpha 2 had a field day. The Jackals fell one by one until the Elites and Hunters scattered. The Hunters made the bad choice of turning left in attempt to get in range to use their Fuel-Rod guns, they were blasted in their fleshy orange body that was exposed at their waist. The Elites managed to get cover on the right side, except for their Gold armored field-commander, who stumbled when a SPNKr rocket exploded to close to him. He took three shots from various snipers, which all but depleted his shield. Diego shot a half-assed shot which hit the Elite in the left wrist, that overloaded his shield-generator and took is left hand completely off. The Covenant dove behind a burning Ghost that lay flipped up against a splintered tree stump. "Shit!" Diego thought out loud and hit the floor with his fist. A MK 2708 'Anaconda' missile launched from its tube and smashed into the Elite's position. A weapons pod and what was left of the Elite's left arm flew into the air, high above the orange-red explosion. Just than at that second, everyone's worst fears became a reality. Ten purple gobs of plasma appeared over the horizon, the Wraiths were here.
Diego saw the plasma arc lazily in the sky and wiz down toward the wall the first ball of plasma hit thirty feet from the wall, blowing a Jackal to a happier place. Five more landed in the woods to the left and incinerated the trees. Three more found their way to the middle of the field, and the last well-placed shot missed the wall by ten feet, and landed inside the compound. It landed on top of a medical post and left a crater two and a-half feet deep. Marines flew everywhere and the back of the wall cracked.
"Oh shit! We're gonna get torn apart." "They better get those vehicles out there!" "Don't worry corporal, Steele will launch an assault, now would you please start spotting for me!" "Yes sir!"
The next wave of plasma reined down from the sky. Four more exploded in the compound and killed a handful of ODST's that were trying to get a Pod of missiles to function again. A stray ball of plasma wandered over to their position.
"Sir that one is headed over to our position!" "Shit! We better bail out!"
Diego threw his rifle down the hatch to the ground and slid to the bottom followed by Michael. They hit the ground and ran just as the plasma hit their tower. The tower exploded and the supports started to fall. They both ran for their lives and dove out of the way as the melted tower crashed to the ground. Debris flew everywhere as the pair ran to the ladder on the wall. Before they got there Fist Lieutenant Juanbell intercepted them. Neither of them saluted per the rules of engagement, lest they give away whom an Officer was.
"Alright look, I'm going to be frank with you, three of those plasma bombs just took out most of F Company and about half of their vehicles, so we volunteers to be drivers and gunners in their place." "I'm in!" They both said at the same time. "All right than now haul ass up to the gate!"
They started to run over to the gate; on the way Michael scooped up a SPNKr rocket launcher, and some extra rockets and shouldered it. They both were knocked off their feet as a pod of Anaconda missiles flew off the wall and detonated ten feet behind them.
"Are you all right?" Diego asked. "Yea, stop screaming! You're hurting my ears! Diego saw Michael mouth. "Whaaat!" Diego yelled. Somewhere he could hear bells ringing in his head. Michael pulled him to his feet, and gestured him to keep moving. They started running again and this time made it all of the way to the vehicles.
They found a Hog with a gunner in it, an ODST and Diego hopped up in the front seat while Michael got in the side seat.
"Good to see you sir!" The gunner exclaimed. "Nice to see you to. How long before we leave?" "When we get a full load I think, Steele went to go get some volunteers, so probably not to long." "All right load up and get ready!" Michael reloaded his rocket launcher and set the extra tubes off to the side, he also set his Shotgun on the floor of the jeep and taped the spoons of his HE-DP Frag Grenades and removed their pins.
Lieutenant Juanbell burst into the section and announced, "Get ready we leave in two minutes!" Diego flipped the switch and the LRV roared to life. He did a systems check and saw the Health-Monitor in the corner. Michael's health bar was full, but then he noticed Helljumpers status bar, it read: Sgt. Radisson, Joseph E. [][][][]-----] which meant his health was at half.
"Hey Radisson you sure you're ok, your status doesn't look that good." "Sir screw those machines, I'm ready to go as ever!" "Typical Helljumper," Diego thought.
Lieutenant Juanbell announced, "All right people this is it! If you are riding shotgun and have a Rocket launcher, go for the Wraiths, if you get close enough they won't shoot at you, make sure you aim for the back or the mechanisms on the side that they use to hover. If you have an Assault Rifle, Battle Rifle, Shotgun, or any Covie weapon, go for the Ghosts, and if you have a Sniper Rifle, well you're screwed!"
The gates started to open, and all hell was released.