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Scope (Chapter 1, New Arrivals)
Posted By: The Silver Spartan<Crazy_Carl_6@hotmail.com>
Date: 15 February 2004, 11:46 PM
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Scope (Chapter 1, New Arrivals)
This is going to be my first chapter of the series, so bear with me here ;) Also, I really do appreciate tips or hints.
0127 Hours, September 26, 2552 (Military Calendar) / UNSC Base / (Compound 022) Off. Des. (Alpha 2), Located / (Inner Colony 18), (Planet Tylon)
Staff Sergeant Diego Sanchez stood over the large silvery gray Covenant that lay sprawled on the floor of his base camp, titled Alpha 2. Alpha 2 was on an inner colony named Planet Tylon. Tylon was under attack by Covenant ground troops for an unknown reason, although it was probably because of the significant amounts of alien artifacts. Tylon was the only known human-inhabited planet with non-covenant alien instillations on its surface (later discovered to be Forerunner), they were always under inspection by scientists, and were off limits to the public or even the press. Compound 22 a.k.a. Alpha 2 was the mysterious instillations last defense from falling into the hands of the Covenant.
It still remained a mystery what the creature was or where it came from, or even if it was a Covenant species. He helped five other Helljumpers carry it all the way to the science lab stationed in the center of the base. On the way there he talked with the ODSTs about the origin of the mysterious warrior. "So, where the hell did this thing come from anyway, Sir?" One of the Helljumpers asked Diego. "Well, Private Macco said he saw it by the crashed 'Hog over to the left of the entrance, you know, by that cluster of trees near the woods." "Yah where Smith went to take a piss and we shined the spotlight on him." The ODST's chuckled. "So how is this Macco kid, is he dead?" "He got burnt-up pretty damn bad when I saw him." "I don't know, the Doc said he had a 30% chance of making it, or something like that." They arrived at the lab and put the creature on a steel surgical table for the scientists. After it was all taken care of Diego went to find his Senior NCO, Sergeant First Class LaRicca, for orders. He found him Barking orders to several Privates near the ruined section of the wall. He ran up to him and saluted. LaRicca saluted back. "Sergeant, you better come here." The Sgt. said quietly. Those 'Covenant movements' you heard about are more like two Battalions of Elites, Hunters, Jackals, and Grunts." "The good news is, they don't have dropships, but the bad is, get ready, they have approximately six platoons of Banshees, Wraiths, And 165 or more individual Ghosts. Diego's jaw dropped like hammer hitting concrete. "Sir we have only 23 functioning LVRs, minus that one that got smashed up out there." "Oh yah and we have two Scorpions, great, just great." "We might as well shoot our selves now and save the Covies some work..." "Don't let me ever hear that again Sergeant!" LaRicca hissed, "Of course I thought that to at first, but than I got in touch with High COMM and they said they could spare us some reinforcements for once." "Sir, how many reinforcements are we talkin' here?" "About 150 Helljumpers Plus 450 Marine regulars, oh and three platoons of Scorpions, 'Hogs, ATVs, and Air support from their Longsword bombers. And if we need it they will let us 'borrow' the pelicans they all come in. Once again Diego's Jaw dropped but not as far as the previous time. "Sir we are still out-gunned but I think we just might make it." Diego proclaimed. "The Covenant will be here within one-and-a-half hours and the Freedom of Liberty will be dropping their 'cargo' within the hour." "So get ready."
The compound was exploding with activity. Marines and Helljumpers carrying chain guns up to the wall, pilots preparing landing zones for pelicans, Doctors preparing medical posts, Artillery Squads loading and readying their huge artillery pieces, Marines on the wall loading Anaconda Missile-pods. Diego was preparing himself in one of the protruding sniper towers located around the compound. He lined up ten extended clips of eight 7.2 mm armor-piercing rounds beside him. He checked his new sleek black 45x tactical scope, and flicked it infa-red and watched over the compound. He looked over at all of the other pairs of snipers in the other fourteen towers. He was the only one without a spotter; he had gotten his request to go solo granted by Lieutenant Colonel Steele; the Compound's commander, two months ago. Diego hated having to perform with people closely watching him. He was glad he was a Staff Sergeant; otherwise his request would probably have been hopelessly ignored. All of the other snipers were finishing up checking their rifles and scopes. Diego set out his MA6B Battle Rifle next to him just in case, and loaded his sidearm, the trusty ME6 Pistol. Something about its chrome and titanium frame just made him feel safe when it was sitting in his hand. He than proceeded to climb down the smooth metal ladder to the compound 20 feet below. He slid down the last five feet of ladder and jogged over to a Marine. "How long until the reinforcements arrive?" The Marine saluted and replied "Sir, in about ten minutes!" He returned the salute and decided to quickly jog over to the Med-Station to see Pvt. Macco.
He went in to find Dr. Halton checking over Macco's records. Dr. Halton mumbled something about tissue damage and than saw Diego walk in. "Hello Corporal, let me guess, you're here to see how Private Macco is doing." "Well let me see, he is in stable condition, I expect a full recovery in two months." Diego flinched at the thought of being out of the action for two months. "Well at least he'll survive, assuming we all live through this battle." He said 'encouragingly' "Whatever that thing was Steve was sure lucky that the plasma discharge hit the wall and not him, god that would have been a closed casket funeral." Doc Halton shuddered at the grim thought. He bid Diego goodbye and told him to shoot some Covies for him, or has he put it 'for these old bones' Diego agreed and jogged over to the landing pads. He climbed up on an empty pad and watched the 40 DC-17s hover over the compound like hummingbirds. They slowly descended in groups of 5 and dropped the valuable reinforcements. After they were all dropped he heard the cold, steady voice of Lieutenant Colonel Steele over the camp MASS COMM system. "Welcome to the party people, as you already know the Covenant will be attacking due north of here so we are going to give them an ass whoopin' they won't soon forget!" "You also know you are going to be divided into six companies with four squads each." "A-D Company will make up our main defensive force; E company will serve as scouts on the south, east, and west walls." "As for F Company you will sit outside the wall and will operate our vehicles you so kindly brought along with you." "Also if the 20 sharpshooters and spotters in A and C Company will so kindly join our snipers in the various sniper towers positioned along the compound, sorry Sanchez!" The COMM system clicked off. Shit, Diego thought, he would at least have one other person with him. His thought was cut short, and his next question was answered. "Sir Corporal Michael Moore reporting for duty!" "Uh I'm a spotter and got assigned to you okay?" Diego nodded and studied the Corporal; he had a M-90 Combat shotgun slung over his shoulder, an ME6 pistol on his belt and four Frag-grenades hanging from his shirt. He pointed the grenades out. "What are those for?" "You're a spotter." "Well sir I always carry these with me, I don't like feeling not fully-armed." Diego liked his response; maybe he might even end up liking this kid. Diego and Moore climbed up to the tower. Moore set up his scope and laid out elbow pads. He got an excited look on his face and pulled out a thick black rod about 18 inches long, he handed it to Diego and explained "Check it out sir, it's a new silenced barrel, we just got a shipment of them on the Freedom of Liberty." Michael handed it to Diego. Diego turned it over and passing inspection, unscrewed his 16 inch ported barrel. He fitted it and examined it; he had never used a silencer before. "Thanks." "No problem." replied the Corporal. An announcement boomed over the MASS COMM. "All hands to posts, the Covies will be here within ten minutes." "Every one load up this is it." "We will cripple them beyond repair, they will all die cold miserable deaths like they deserve." "Let no alien scum set foot in this compound alive, we will emerge victorious!" At that cheers went up around the compound.