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Scar's Last Battle
Posted By: The Scribe<nero@cinci.rr.com>
Date: 9 September 2003, 2:07 AM
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Note: Remember to read all prequels! This is the only series I've done, so every title that you see is a part of this. Just click on "more by this author".
A sinking feeling dropped into Gergep's stomach. He knew it would not be long before he would join his dead comrades. Only three of his patrol members stood standing. So, doing the only thing he could do, he lobbed a plasma grenade into the humans' direction and then turned and ran. The clunky methane tank on his back made it hard to move fast, but he managed to stay low from the humans' line of sight. It was after an explosion followed by three screams of pain and agony rang out from behind him, that he knew he was the only one left. This was it. He would either make it or not.
Farrell glanced over at the Chief, and smiled a large grin. "Nice one, sir!" he complemented. "I haven't seen a grenade throw like that one in years!" "It's all in the arm," the Spartan replied sincerely. Private Abrahams swung his upper body around the side of the fallen billboard that the squad was hiding from behind. A neon blue bolt zipped by the side of his head, sizzling his sideburns. "Jesus!" he shouted, going back into cover. "They're right outside, Chief." "Wait for them and try to keep quiet," the Master Chief whispered. It was when a looming shadow suddenly became visible from around the side of the billboard that the Marines began to feel nervous. It was obviously and Elite's shadow. It was in a crouching position and seemed ready to spring out at any moment. Then suddenly, without any kind of warning, the merciless Covenant warrior stuck its plasma rifle around the side of the billboard and stared its barrel right into the Marines. Time seemed to slow down as the alien let out two three bolt bursts. Abraham had seen the gun fly around the corner, and had already hit the ground but Private Farrell was not so lucky. The bolts struck his chest and he fell to the ground, shaking uncontrollably and making quiet sounds of pain. The Master Chief played the Elite's game, and lobbed a fragmentation grenade around the side of the billboard. An explosion rocked the Spartan's bones and shortly after, a small shower of purple blood sprayed from around the side, followed by non-human moaning. "Hell yeah!" Private Spears shouted. "Serves you right, you goddamned assholes!" Everyone's attention suddenly went to Farrell who was still barely alive and breathing. However, the attention that the wounded Private got was short lived. Both of the Hunters rounded the side of the billboard and made a full charge at the Marines. Small clicking sliced through the air as the Marines fired their silenced assault rifles, but the rounds plinked and bounced from the walking tanks' armor like spitballs. The largest one headed for the Chief. It stretched its body to its full height, its arms ready to come down upon the Spartan's head. But it just so happened that the Chief had other plans in mind. After shoving his assault rifle's barrel up against the Hunter's small exposed neck, he opened fire. The beast fell backward with his head hanging on only a few strands of muscle. The other Hunter was playing a tackling game with the other Marines. It was when the Hunter came to Farrell that things got ugly. The terrible Covenant raised its huge metal boot and positioned it right above the Privates face. Farrell let out a long scream, but it was cut short when the Hunter brought its foot down on his face, sending brains shooting from the top of the soldier's head. After dealing with that, it then turned to face Abraham. Its fuel rod gun glowed green as it powered up a strong blast. "Not today!" the sniper screamed, firing a well put round into the behemoth's gun barrel. The weapon exploded into a cloud of green fire, blowing the Hunter's lower arm completely off of his body. The giant beast stumbled back in pain, and began to make weak lunges of aggression at Abraham. The Chief put it out of its misery. Stepping out from behind the billboard, the squad could see what had become of the Elites. The Chief's well placed grenade had blown one completely in half. Another lie on the ground, its front end appearing to be raw from all of the fragments. The other two looked normal, but a few shrapnel entree points were visible on them. The Master Chief was just about ready to continue on when one of the fallen Elites began to writhe and squirm around. It soon stopped after Abraham placed a round in its face.
From the other side of the bombed out Plaza, Tuka Hanamee and his squad stood, perfectly motionless. Hanamee gripped his vision intensifiers tightly as he watched the green human. He had seen the fight and what the capabilities of this super soldier were. A noble Veteran stepped forth. "I have confidence in our abilities," he said, trying to give a word of encouragement. Hanamee growled. "He is strong and smart, but I am better. And when we finally meet, he will die a very painful death. I will skin him alive and shoot down his comrades." But deep down inside, Hanamee was actually scared.
Gergep had just reached the outskirts of the Plaza when he had heard the combat, but he continued to run, determination running strong in his blood. He would gather a group of comrades and they would take down the evil humans and their leader. "That is what I'll do!" he muttered defiantly. "I hope..."
Being as careful and watchful as possible, the squad of Marines made their way across what used to be a parking lot until they arrived at a mall-like structure. Private Spears turned to ask Farrell for his fiber optic cable and then sadly remembered what had become of the good man. Sensing the sadness Private Cordell spoke up. "Private Farrell was a good man. He was a young father of two and surely made a great husband. But we cannot let these thoughts get in the way of our mission." Everyone agreed and continued for the entrance. In the entrance way, an Elite sat aboard a Ghost. The strange vehicle sat idle, ready for its pilot to move it when he saw intruders. Private Riley quickly slid the rocket launcher from his back and sent a flaming projectile towards the Ghost. The mini missile slammed into the Covenant hover bike and it exploded into a shower of blue sparks and clouds of fire. Its pilot's flaming body came flying from the depths of the explosion and landed in front of the Marines.
Hanamee and his squad entered the back of the building and immediately made their way to the Prophet's room. The squad entered in the middle of a meditation session. "I apologize, great Prophet," Hanamee said. "But there is a group of human soldiers outside the complex. They are making their way in and we've come to protect you." "Thank you, Hanamee," the Prophet replied calmly in an elderly voice. "You never quit impressing me. Your loyalty to the Covenant race is great and you will be rewarded after the death of these humans."
After finishing off a small guarding squad of Grunts, the Marines and their Spartan continued on. They quickly made their way through the plaster littered building and passed many Covenant computers and temporary camp supplies along the way. "From what it looks like," Cortana observed, "the Covenant were planning on making this a major assault head quarters." "No shit," Private Spears muttered, admiring the equipment.
It came sooner that the scared Elite wanted it to. Outside the room, they were moving about. The end was near, but Hanamee didn't know for which side. The human was incredibly strong, and this fight would probably be the most challenging one he had ever encountered. Suddenly, the door blew open, and the humans poured into the room. A strong surge of adrenaline rushed through Hanamee's veins as he let out the battle cry for attack. His squad of Veterans and Strike Team Elites rushed at the humans, firing insanely. The scene was that of total awe. Hanamee sprang into action. Sprinting into the small battle, he began firing at the humans. One that appeared to have a sniper rifle, aimed at him, but Hanamee quickly put the sniper down with a bolt to its face.
The Chief's body went nuts. He began bashing and smashing, shooting and gouging. Red and purple blood drops spattered against his visor. Private Spears fell to the ground, the back of his head missing. Next to Spears lie Riley. His squad was dying quickly. Suddenly, the Chief realized that it was only he and Cordell left. But just as this was noticed, Cordell went down. Looking at the Chief, he shouted, "Go! I'm done for! Just go!" Cordell pulled four of his grenades out and ripped the pins from them. He then placed the live grenades next to a dead Elite, who had dropped four of his grenades when he died. The Master Chief dove from the room, and was soon deafened by the explosion. Part of the room's wall blew out and then there was silence.
The last thing Tuka Hanamee saw was the huge wall of fire that rose up and enclosed his body. The burning took the breath from him and he could no longer fell his legs or arms. Suddenly, he realized that he was dying and his life flashed before him. All of his years at the Military Academy rushed by, and the awful day that he got his scar for which he was known so well for. And then, just as fast as life had come to him, it left his tattered body, and he died. After the smoke had cleared, the Chief cautiously made his way back into the room. The smell was almost sickening. Blood and gore coated the ceiling, walls and floor. Arms and legs, both human and Covenant littered the ground. In the corner of the room, the Prophet sat, his floating chair gently bobbing up and down. Seeing the Chief, the Covenant leader fumbled for a plasma pistol clipped to the side of his chair. The Spartan casually walked over to the alien and bashed the butt of his rife on the side of its head. The Prophet's eyes rolled back and its head fell to one side, as it became unconscious. After dragging the Covenant leader from its chair, he walked over and stuck the Elite know as Scar's head on top of a long, sharp piece of steel. He then began to parade through the streets back to Base 9. He encountered some Marines along the way, and they almost fell over dead at the sight of the Prophet AND the head of the most feared Covenant warrior.
After all of his walking, Gergep had decided to follow the green human. Quickly approaching from behind, he began to shoot at it. The last thing that the little Grunt saw was a yellow streak, apparently a bullet, up in his face.
Confident that the mission was complete and sad for his lost comrades, the Master Chief walked into Base 9.