Assualt of Plaza 13
Posted By: The Scribe<nero@cinci.rr.com>
Date: 5 September 2003, 2:59 PM
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Note: 1) Sorry guys, it's been awhile. Too long as a matter of fact! 2) Remember to read all prequels! This is the only series I've done, so every title that you see is a part of this. Just click on "more by this author".
The marines and the Master Chief approached the large Plaza with as much caution as possible. Fastening their silencers onto their guns, the small squad began their dangerous approach to two of the closest aliens. A tough looking hunter, apparently chatting with his bond brother a few feet to his left, was totally unaware of the humans coming up behind him. "Three aim at one," the Chief radioed. The marines responded by following the order. Three aimed at the one on the left, while the other three aimed at the one on the right. The Spartan nodded. A small series of clicking rang out as the marines squeezed their triggers. Spouts of orange gunk sprang up from the Hunters' exposed backs and the behemoths toppled over, dead. None of the other Covenant responded to this. It was when a small patrol of Grunts began approaching the humans' position, that things got a bit too ugly. The Master Chief knew that if the little pests saw his squad that would be it.
It was when Gergep saw the humans standing ahead, that he knew something was terribly wrong. "Quickly!" he shouted. "Radio for an assault team!" "What are you speaking of?" the patrol's officer asked. "Why an assault team?" "Because I see the green human!"
Off in the distance, the Chief heard something that made his bones turn to ice. The sound of yelling Elites pierced the air. It wouldn't have that big of a deal if they hadn't been yelling battle cries. Private Spears turned to look at the Chief. "Aren't those battle cries?" he asked, confused. "Yes," the Spartan answered uneasily. "But there are no other marines to fight the Covenant in the area." "Then they know we're here!" Cortana shouted. "We need to take cover, we've been spotted!" The squad of marines ran over to what looked to be a billboard that had fallen to the ground and leaned against a pile of rubble. "We can only hope to hide here," Cortana said. "Good luck to us," Abraham responded as he shot at the patrol of Grunts that they had seen earlier.
The soldier next to Gergep dropped to the ground as a human projectile passed through its face. "Hit the ground!" the patrol officer squeaked. The patrol dropped to the ground and onto their fronts and began inching their way forward towards a mound of rubble. Gergep was about to shout that their methane tanks were exposed but another well-aimed projectile punctured the officer's tank, suffocating him. A bubbly foam spewed from the hole as the dying officer squirmed around, toying with his mask. It wasn't but a few seconds after the rest of the Grunts had made it to the safety of the rubble pile that the officer died.
"I think I was able to nick their patrol officer," Abraham muttered, shoving a full magazine into his rifle. After removing his fiber optic spy cord, Farrell stuck it out from behind the collapsed bill board. The cable's camera provided a clear and sharp image of the plaza. To his horror, Farrell observed a small party of two hunters and four crimson-armored Elites moving swiftly towards their position. Farrell turned to the squad's sniper. "Abraham!" he said. "We've got two Hunters, and four Elites moving in. They're off by about two hundred yards. See if you can't take care of them." The Chief nodded in approval and Abraham went to work. On his belly, the expert sharpshooter crawled out from behind the billboard and placed his sights on the front and centered Elite. The beast sprinted at a fast pace, so Abraham knew he would have to make these shots quick. The sniper squeezed the trigger and the Elite's long neck broke in half as the response to his action. Its head fell to the ground and its body toppled over onto its side. The third Elite went down before the rest of the party took cover on the ground. "They're screwed," Farrell chuckled, watching Abraham at work. However, his laughs were short lived. A few seconds later a plasma grenade came sailing from nowhere and nestled itself onto Farrell's gun. The private let out a small shout and tossed the gun at a nearby Grunt, who was apparently the culprit. The gun exploded into a shower of blue fire and sparks. The little alien flew off to the side, his left arm and leg both mangled from the explosion.
Gergep winced as the patrol's only grenadier died. He knew that he would soon join his dead comrade, as it was only a matter of time.