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Elven Suicide: Prologue
Posted By: The Arbitress
Date: 10 December 2004, 8:52 PM
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What if your entire life was a test? What if you lived your life just so someone else could live theirs better? Every day these stray thoughts pass through our minds, but that's all they are. Stray thoughts. Well, every now and then, they are more than that. Against all reason and sanity, stray thoughts blossom into an entire universe. Wouldn't it be odd if that were actually true?
"You want them to do what?!"
Elizabeth Marrion sat across from Admiral Prescott, her mouth agape.
"It's quite simple. You want us to invest thousands into making your...what was the word..."
"Oh yes. Your 'Eldar' unit. You want us to spend millions of dollars into making your Eldar the perfect fighting machines. We want to make sure they are worth it."
"But...you created the program! What do you mean if I want them to be made into fighting machines?" "It doesn't seem like a big deal." "Not a big deal! You want a group of 13 year olds to retake a base infested with Covenant. You yourself have seen them in action, why should they do this?" "Yes, but seeing them run through training simulations is hardly the same as them actually fighting." "And if they are killed?" "Then apparently you didn't do your job." "But..." "That's it. I gave you your orders; now go tell your unit what their new mission is."
Christine (or better known as Eldar-771) drew out her throwing knives. She knew that when it came to real combat, they would be as close to useless as they could come, but the knives were still fun. Chris turned toward the target, a lifesize of an elite (it was the only thing they would let her use. Adults.) and aimed her hand at the target. As she had learned over the years, she wiped her mind of everything, and concentrated on only the small black dot in the elite's heart. Ready, aim, and- "Christine!" Why now. Chris sheathed the knife in one fluid motion, and twisted around to face Elizabeth, her somewhat mother from the last 10 years of her life. "I don't want to be rude, but I've asked you not to sneak up on me like that. I mean," she pointed at her pocket. "Knife in hand?" "I'm sorry, but this is important. I need you and all the other Eldar to come to the atrium. You have a new mission." "Wait, mission? The UNSC is actually sending us to do something? That's a surprise." "I know, but, you need to come. For some odd reason, the idiots at ONI have taken a sudden interest in you." "All right. Just please, tell me they aren't actually considering making us face that idiotic marine squad again." "That marine squad is called the Green Beret, and you owe them some respect. I understand that you don't appreciate how the UNSC has been acting towards your squad, but you are the squad leader. Set a better example for your soldiers." "Whatever. Let's just go." As Elizabeth walked out the door to the gym, Christine walked up to the poster, and ripped the elite's face in half. What did they have to smile about? Oh yeah, they're kicking our asses.
Elizabeth scanned the room. 71 expectant faces. She had literally grown up with these kids. Sure, she was 44, but still, until she had been assigned to this project, her life was nothing. It really started with these children. But how could she call them that? For 10 years she had worked them till they were bloody. They weren't really children anymore. "Everyone, I'm not going to waste time with nice talk. ONI has finally decided to do something with you all. Elizabeth took a breath. How could she tell them this? It was hard enough 10 years ago telling them to forget about their lives, and everything they ever knew. Even their dreams. Now she had to tell them they would be sent on a suicide mission? "Uh...I don't really-" "Now, good Dr., do us all a favor, and spit it out." All 72 people in the room turned to face the door. "Sergeant Erickson. How nice of you to join us. I asked everyone to be here at 0700 hours." "And it's now 0701 hours." Dr. Marrion continued to stare coldly at Erickson. "All right, would it help your mood if I said I'm sorry?" Elizabeth let out a sigh, then turned on her heel to face the children again. "As I was saying, you have a new mission. ONI wants to test your skills."
A half an hour later, after Elizabeth had finished explaining the new mission, she finally looked up from her charts. What she found, she could hardly be surprised.