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Fan Fiction

The Offensive Retreat
Posted By: teemus<teemusligg@hotmail.com>
Date: 23 November 2003, 4:35 AM

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Jericho IIV, Year 2545 Delta Base 1:30AM

Captain Jeremy Steal woke up in his cold cot on the second floor in Delta Base. At first he thought he could hear somebody screaming but then realized it was the base alarm. He got out of his cot to find marines running in every direction it appeared as though the entire base was panic stricken. Just at that moment Sgt. Livneet Brar came running through the entrance shouting out orders. Sgt. Brar spotted Steal and made his way through the cots towards him. When the Sgt reached him Steal could barley hear what he was saying over the noise of the alarm and marines.

" Sir were in a bad spot the damn covenant decided to attack in middle of the night I don't know about you but it looks like there getting smarter." Said Brar "And to make things worse the hailed the outer wall with plasma so were down to the secondary wall and we already have many wounded and dead."

"Alright Sgt who's in command?" replied Steal

"Well Capt Wallace was on the first wall when they glassed it so by the looks of it I thinks its you." Replied Brar

"Damn, well then Sgt take me to the command area." As steal passed one of the windows in the thick wall all he saw was smoke rising from the outer walls, bullets and plasma fire flying in every direction, the sprawled bodies of marines and covenant littering the fields in front of the base, he even got a glimpse of a Wart Hog getting blasted by a Wraith. When he got to the command centre it was already packed with marine personal and field commanders.

"Its good to see you sir" said a marine as he walked in

"Alright I want a states report on all combat teams and send in drop ships to e-vac the wounded. I want all the 50 Calibers manned and send in two more Wart Hog divisions, do you understand me?!" yelled Steal at the top of his lungs

"Sir Yes Sir!!" replied all the marines on the deck

"Sir heres the status of the combat teams!" yelled one of the marine personal "Combat Teams Victor through Sierra are pushing the covenant back to the first wall on the east part of the base. Company Destiny is being forced back into secondary defensive positions. Wart Hog division one through 3 are.... no longer in existence." There was a small pause in which the marine went quite. "Uhhh company alpha has joined up with ranger divisions 1 through 4. Convoy 5 consisting of Wart Hogs, Scorpions, and jungle hogs is returning to base with wounded. Sir I don't know how much longer we can hold"

" Sgt Brar im putting you in charge and I will move out with my company to sector 3 to assist Sgt Kathy and destiny company, do you understand me!!"

" Sir yes Sir"
Ten minutes later Steal and his company were in a drop ship heading to sector 3. " Hold on were going into a dive." The pilot said over the COM link. Steal looked around at his men and then he realized there lives were in his hands they were depending on him to make the right moves, and he planed to bring all of them back in one piece. He looked across from him and saw Pvt. McKnight looking down at the battlefield pale faced. Steal moved over and took the seat next to him. "Don't worry McKnight were gonna make it back."

" Its not that im worried about, its just that my brother is in one of the Wart Hog divisions and I don't know if he's still alive."

"Don't worry about it im sure he alright, but you need to put you concentration onto what were going into right now." Replied Steal

"Two Minutes" Came the pilot's voice.

"Alright listen up boys this isn't the first time we've been out together. So I believe you should know what you're taking you selves into. Most of the combat teams are being forced back to the second wall, company Destiny is pinned down in foxholes and have many wounded. We are going in to help them fight the covenant until it is clear for e-vac. Any man who does not wish to go on this mission speak up now" no one spoke. "Alright then check your weapons and were touching down in one minute." As they aporached the foxholes of company Destiny they could see bullets flying from the holes then over the com link a voice came. "This Sgt Roy do you read me?"

"Roget we read you Destiny, this is company Bravo we are coming in on you position with more troops and supplies we have room for you wounded so assemble them at the far end and get them ready to go. Once we've cleared the basic area another drop ship will come in to pick the rest of us up!"

"Roger that wounded ready to go!"

As soon as Bravo company touched down wounded men and women from Destiny company poured in and within 20 seconds the drop ship was gone. Delta company made there way to the fox holes. When they got there they could hear wounded men yelling and bodies littering the floor.

" Alright Roy im gonna spread my men through out the foxholes."

"Alright come on lets go the Cap ordered us to this fox hole... Jason?" Pvt Oconer turned to fine Jason's body laying maybe two feet from where he was. He quickly ran to his body, and found it covered with plasma burns, he then grabbed and dragged it into a foxhole. When he entered he heard the farmilure and welcoming voice of Eversmit yelling "Oconer I need a reload on this 50!!" Oconer ran over and jammed some bullets into the machine gun. He then ran back to Jason, he had just started checking his pulse when a hail of plasma nailed him and the man next to him, they both fell to the floor dead. Eversmit turned to see what had bumped into him, and when he did he saw the bodies of his friends lying on the floor so he turned and yelled.

"Jimmy call a god damn medic!!" and then turned back to firing into the crowd of grunts that had massed in his short absence.


" Sir the Wart Hogs turrets are melted over and were almost out of ammo for the 50's!!" yelled Sgt. Roy to Brar over the com link.

"Roger that hold tight drop ships are inbound and eta two minutes" replied brar

"Roger HQ"

" Cap drop ships are inbound assemble wounded and dead ove..." Sgt. Roy had just been hit by a rain of plasma and Johnson ran to him only to get hit as well.

" Alright drop ships are here pick these to up and take them to the ships and get moving...were going home boys!!" yelled Steal.

700 men and women were stationed at delta base and in the convent raid over 300 lost their lives all the me in Destiny and Bravo company received silver stars and Sgt. Roy was awarded the medal of honour for putting his life first. The battle went on for another day in which 100 more marines would loose their life's but in the end the human defenders were able to repel the invaders.
