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Fan Fiction

The Fall of Rye: Chapter 4: Death From Above
Posted By: teemus<teemusligg@hotmail.com>
Date: 25 March 2004, 11:44 PM

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July 2nd, Rye system

      Jason peered over the boulder and saw 5 banshees flying over the crest of a hill in a loose V formation. The sun was glistening off of their sleek polished purple noses. For a second it looked almost beautiful until the Banshees opened fire and killed a group of ODST's. Jason swore under his breath and returned to the cover of the boulder. The field in which they had been ambushed now was almost black from the fighting. The Scorpion tanks had managed to shell some of the Covenant but couldn't get to the hunters without the risk of being destroyed. Warthogs and Troop transports lay everywhere, along with the bodies of ODST's and Covenant alike.

      Most of the battalion was scattered all over the football-sized field. Most had taken cover behind flipped vehicles or boulders. The snipers were ordered to fall back to the tank positions and hopefully take some of the Covenant out. There was a sudden bang and one of the Hunters fell to the ground with a loud thud. Jason looked behind him and saw one of the snipers holding a smoking gun with a grin on her face. Jason was about to say something but was cut short when there was a loud boom and one of the Banshees fell out of the sky trailing smoke. The rest of the crafts quickly responded by opening fire with their Fuel Road guns at a group of Helljumpers who had take cover behind a flipped Hog. Jason winced as he saw the bodies flying through the air on fire. The COM suddenly burst open and Garcia spoke, "All Rocket Jockeys, open fire on the Banshees."

      All but two of the Rocket Jockeys had been killed in the beginning of the engagement. Two rockets streamed into the sky after the Banshees. The lead craft took a hit in the nose and sent the pilot flying free of his craft. The second craft dogged the second rocket only to fly strait into the path of another. The remaining two Banshees broke formation and started firing at random targets. Some of the shots would score a hit and you could hear the screams of the victims. Two more rockets went flying into the sky and hit another Banshee. The very last craft pulled out of its dive and turned around and began to go back from where it had come. It was pretty hard to miss it due to the smoke it was trailing. It didn't get very far before one of the tanks got a lock on it and fired. The craft came crashing down to the ground while the driver was airborne for a few second before he came crashing down in a sickening crunch.

      There was a cheer from the Helljumpers, but their victory was short lived when the last Hunter enraged by his bond brothers death came charging up the hill meleing troops out of his way. ODST's were flying here and their as they got into the covenant Hunters way. A few troops threw grenades, which detonated at the Hunters feet; this just made him more enraged and motivated him more to charge up the hill. Jason looked over the boulder and saw the Hunter charging strait for them. Bubba also saw this and raised his AR and fired a burst at the Hunter. The Bullets bounced harmlessly off of the Hunters armour.

      Bubba ejected his clip and slammed in a new one. He then turned to Jason and the other ODST and shouted, "Get out of the way!"

      "What are you doing?!" yelled Jason back as he saw Bubba pull a grenade out of his belt. Bubba ignored Jason and grabbed him and the other ODST and threw them from behind the boulder and behind a smoking Hog. Jason then watched in horror as Bubba ran from behind the boulder and charged the Hunter. Just before he reached it he pulled the pin on the grenade and practically hugged the Hunter. After a few seconds, the Hunter and Bubba were blown into a hundred pieces.

      Jason winced as pieces of hot flesh went by his face. With out knowing it he slammed some shells into his Shotgun and fired random shots over the top of the Hog. Jason felt so much hate for the Covenant rushing into him, ever since he had joined the UNSC, he had seen about ten of his closes friends go down screaming from pain, and he was sick of it. Jason was about to jump from behind the Hog and charge the Covenant but was stopped by the other ODST. Jason looked down at him and recognized him as one of the regular marines, the same guy that had saved his life about a year ago when the Covenant attacked a ship he was stationed aboard.

      "What are you doing here?" asked Jason, "I thought you were marine?"

      "Yea I was, but after that day on that cruiser I wanted a more active unit, so I went back to Reach to take ODST training. My ship was the last to leave the system just before the attack begun. We were ordered to return and help defend, but we got their to late. The Covenant almost spotted us but we were able to make the jump out of system."

      Jason was about to reply but was cut short when their was a sudden boom. He peered over the Hog and saw Shades advancing on the Helljumpers positions. Jason activated his COM and spoke to the Corporal, "Sir, how long is it gonna take to get some reinforcements?"

      "I've radioed the Major, they said there on their way. Could take them a while."

      "I don't think we can last much longer." Replied Jason as the Shades opened fire and killed two Helljumpers.

      "Just hang in there!" shouted the Corporal back to Jason.

      Jason cursed under his breath and turned back to the other ODST, "What's your name anyways?"

      "Russlle, Russlle Drohan." replied the man.

      "Alright Russlle, as you probably know, we aint gonna last very long back here, so I say we fall back a bit and then take care of the Shadows. I'm gonna run first, when I get to that boulder, im gonna turn around and cover you." Said Jason while pointing to a Farley large sized boulder.

      Russlle looked over to the boulder and winced when he saw the bodies lying around it. He managed to get off a nod and then placed his Battle Rifle on top of the Hog to provide covering fire. Jason turned around and darted from behind the Hog, after about a second he could hear the loud and constant bang of Russlle's gun. Jason reached the boulder and turned around and waved for Russlle to come. As Russlle started running, Jason let out a small groan as he saw one of the Shade turrets on the Shadows pivot and begin tracking Russlle. Jason could see a grin spreading across the face of the Elite in the gunners seat as his fingers reached for the trigger buttons.
