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Fan Fiction

Halo 2: The New Front (Chapter 1)
Posted By: System Failure<Haloknight@aol.com>
Date: 21 October 2003, 12:38 AM

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Sgt. Kevin Mattwell was drenched with blood as he hid behind the fallen pillar. The six mangled bodies of the other marines in his squad were at his feet. Most of their weapons were melted or badly damaged. Shell casings littered the floor. On the other side of the fallen pillar he could hear two Elites talking in their strange language. He unclipped a frag grenade of his belt. He slowly stood up not to make much noise. He slowly removed the pin from the grenade. He counted to three and tossed the grenade over the pillar. He heard the metallic clang of the grenade bouncing off the stone floor. After the second bounce the grenade exploded. The helmet of one if the elite cracked on the stone floor right next Kevin. Deep purple blood seeped out of it forming a little puddle.
Kevin stood still for a second to try and hear if any more Covenant were coming.
"Good, the Covenant are gone," Kevin said to himself. " Now I need some weapons." He got on his hands and knees looking for and undamaged gun. Kevin found two guns, a half –full battle rifle laying on the ground and an empty shotgun under one of his squad mates. He checked the ammo counter on the rifle. It had four bullets in it. He ejected the clip and pulled new one from his satchel. He had only three more clips. That meant he would have to find more clips as he went along. For the shotgun he had twenty rounds on his ammo belt. He would be fine unless he ran into heavy opposition.
. After some more searching of the bodies, Kevin found four frag grenades, two more clips for the rifle, some rations and a radio. He hooked the radio over his ear. He turned it on and heard static.
"I'll use this when I get outside", Kevin thought.
Kevin slung the shotgun on his back and took out the rifle. He held his gun at the ready and peeked around the corner of the pillar. He stood there, sweeping gun side to side for a minute waiting incase reinforcements came. Slowly he came from behind the pillar still with gun raised. He paused for a minute to look around the cavernous room of the temple. The walls of the temple were covered with blood and pockmarked with bullet holes and plasma scores. Even with all the damage some ancient inscriptions were visible underneath. The arched ceiling, which must've been fifty meters high, had very detailed lights, which cast the whole temple in a blue-white glow. There were craters in the ceiling made by mortar tanks and rain was falling thought them. Large pools of water were on the floor and most of them were discolored from all the bloody bodies in them.
His gaze drifted to the wall on his left. The wall had a huge blast crater in it. The ring of scorched metal around the hole was still smoking. Charred bodies and destroyed weapons littered the area around the hole. Kevin walked up to it and looked outside holding on to the side with one hand. It was raining outside and the dirt around the temple had turned to mud. He could see about half a kilometer away the smooth lines of the purplish Covenant buildings. The temple was on the edge of the city. There was a large road leading from the temple to the city. Kevin looked down at his clothes. In the few seconds of standing there he got drenched.
Kevin looked down over the edge of the hole. About three meters below him he saw a bloody ramp. Right below him the ramp leveled off for a few meters then sloped down again. Water was streaming down the ramp. He lifted back up his gun and scanned the area for enemy troops. Finding none he jumped down splashing in the water.
Just as he landed he could hear the barks of some grunts. They emerged from a doorway built into the ramp. They were carrying a large metallic case, which seemed to be self-propelled. There were six grunts in all and, they were wearing black and silver armor. The rain made little pings as it hit the metal armor and the case. The grunts were going extremely slow because the mud was almost a half a meter deep. The two lead grunts weren't helping with the case. They were both carrying fuel rod canons. The guns were silver with a green fuel cell. The grunts were moving them back and forth looking to see if any enemies were coming. Occasionally stopping to talk to each other.
Kevin pulled out legs for his gun. He went prone and fastened the gun on the edge of the ramp if he didn't water would mess up his aim. Then he pulled a grenade from his belt. Kevin rested the grenade on the gun so it wouldn't roll away. Kevin put his eye on the scope and zoomed in.
